Dictionary English German: distributive

Translation 1 - 13 of 13

English German
ADJ   distributive | more distributive | most distributive
distributive {adj}
distributive {adj}zuteilend
2 Words
econ. distributive conflictVerteilungskonflikt {m}
econ. distributive effectsVerteilungseffekte {pl}
pol. sociol. distributive justiceVerteilungsgerechtigkeit {f}
distributive justiceausgleichende Gerechtigkeit {f}
math. distributive latticedistributiver Verband {m}
math. distributive lawDistributivgesetz {n}
math. distributive rule [distributive law] [esp. Am.]Distributivgesetz {n}
distributive shareErbteil {n}
distributive tradeAbsatzwirtschaft {f}
3 Words
(distributive) trade groupHandelsgruppe {f}
5+ Words
math. (Birkhoff's) fundamental theorem for finite distributive latticesDarstellungssatz {m} von Birkhoff
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