Dictionary English German: disk

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NOUN   a disk | disks
SYNO   to disk | to harrow | disc | disk ... 
comp. disk
Festplatte {f}
comp. disk
Diskette {f}
comp. disk
Platte {f} [zur Datenspeicherung]
math. disk
Kreisscheibe {f}
Scheibe {f}
sports disk [Am.]
Teller {m} [am Skistock]
comp. disk [Am.]runde Platte {f}
2 Words: Others
comp. disk full [diskette]Diskette voll
comp. disk full [hard disk]Festplatte voll
comp. disk-buffered {adj}plattengepuffert
tech. disk-mounted {adj} [Am.]plattenmontiert
comp. disk-oriented {adj}plattenorientiert
comp. disk-resident {adj}plattenspeicherresident
biol. spec. disk-shaped {adj} [Am.]diskoidal
biol. spec. disk-shaped {adj} [Am.]scheibenförmig
biol. spec. disk-shaped {adj} [Am.]discoidal
multi-disk {adj} [attr.]auf mehreren Disketten [nachgestellt]
2 Words: Verbs
agr. to disk sth. in [Am.] [stalks, etc.]etw. eineggen [mit Scheibenegge]
2 Words: Nouns
comp. (hard) diskPlatte {f} [ugs.] [Festplattenlaufwerk]
anat. (intervertebral) disk [Am.]Bandscheibe {f}
dent. abrasive disk [Am.]Schleifscheibe {f}
astron. accretion disk [Am.]Akkretionsscheibe {f}
tech. adapter disk [Am.]Adapterscheibe {f}
optics phys. Airy disk [Am.]Beugungsscheibchen {n}
optics phys. Airy disk [Am.]Airy-Scheibchen {n}
tech. aluminum disk [Am.]Aluminiumscheibe {f}
MedTech. anode diskAnodenteller {m}
comp. backup diskDatensicherungsdiskette {f}
comp. backup diskSicherungsdiskette {f}
ecol. bio diskBio-Disk {f}
comp. blank diskRohling {m} [unbeschriebene CD oder DVD]
tech. blind disk [Am.]Blindscheibe {f}
comp. boot diskStartdatenträger {m}
brake disk [Am.]Bremsscheibe {f}
tech. buffer disk [Am.]Pufferteller {m}
tech. cam disk [Am.]Kurvenscheibe {f}
ceiling diskDeckenscheibe {f}
tech. choke disk [Am.]Drosselscheibe {f}
med. choked disk [Am.]Stauungspapille {f}
cipher disk [Am.]Chiffrierscheibe {f}
tech. circular disk [Am.]Kreisscheibe {f}
astron. circumstellar disk [Am.]zirkumstellare Scheibe {f}
tech. clamping disk [Am.]Klemmscheibe {f}
tech. clutch disk [Am.]Kupplungsscheibe {f}
comp. code diskCodierscheibe {f}
comp. coding diskCodierscheibe {f}
comp. tech. compact disc <CD>Compact Disk {f} <CD> [Rsv.]
comp. compact diskKompaktplatte {f} <CD> [veraltet]
comp. tech. compact disk <CD>Compact Disc {f} <CD>
comp. compact disk <CD>Kompakt-Diskette {f} [veraltend] [selten] [Compact Disk]
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