| English | German  |  |
– | |
 | straight {adj} {adv} | 1219 direkt |  |
 | direct {adj} | 979 direkt |  |
 | forthright {adj} [person, manner] | 919 direkt |  |
 | immediate {adj} | 840 direkt |  |
 | straightforward {adj} | 811 direkt |  |
 | squarely {adv} | 806 direkt |  |
 | straightforwardly {adv} | 524 direkt |  |
 | directly {adv} | 470 direkt |  |
 | smack {adv} [coll.] [directly, straight] | 330 direkt |  |
 | upfront {adj} [outspoken] | 284 direkt [unverblümt] |  |
 | immediately {adv} | 179 direkt |  |
 | slap {adv} [coll.] | 105 direkt |  |
 | firsthand {adj} | 74 direkt |  |
 | square {adv} [directly] | 71 direkt |  |
 | outspoken {adj} | 62 direkt |  |
 | right {adv} [straight, directly] | 61 direkt |  |
 | straightaway {adv} | 18 direkt [sofort, auch: ohne Umwege] |  |
 | straightly {adv} | 8 direkt |  |
 | spang {adv} [Am.] [Can.] [coll.] [directly] | direkt |  |
 | head-on {adj} {adv} [fig.] | direkt |  |
 | one-level {adj} [attr.] | direkt |  |
 | plain-spoken {adj} | direkt |  |
 | in-your-face {adj} [coll.] | direkt |  |
 | over the counter {adv} | direkt |  |
 | peer-to-peer {adj} | direkt |  |
 | first-hand {adj} | direkt [ohne Mittelsleute] |  |
 | unprevaricating {adj} [rare] | direkt [ohne Umwege, Ausflüchte] |  |
 | point-blank {adv} [fig.] | direkt [ugs.] [fig.] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | next to sb./sth. {adv} [e.g.: lie, stand, sit] | (direkt) neben jdm./etw. [z. B.: liegen, stehen, sitzen] |  |
 | next to sb./sth. {adv} [e.g.: put, throw, place] | (direkt) neben jdn./etw. [z. B.: legen, werfen, stellen] |  |
 | in juxtaposition (with each other) {adv} | (direkt) nebeneinander |  |
 | direct addressable {adj} | direkt adressierbar |  |
 | right next to | direkt am |  |
 | contiguous {adj} | direkt aneinanderliegend |  |
 | immediately afterwards {adv} | direkt danach |  |
 | right beside it {adv} | direkt daneben |  |
 | directly opposite {adv} | direkt gegenüber |  |
 | right across the street {adv} [indicating the position] | direkt gegenüber [auf der anderen Straßenseite] |  |
 | handled directly | direkt gehandelt |  |
 | fin. handled over-the-counter | direkt gehandelt |  |
 | DC coupled {adj} {past-p} | direkt gekoppelt |  |
 | electr. tech. close-coupled {adj} {past-p} | direkt gekuppelt |  |
 | to put it bluntly | direkt gesagt |  |
 | just here {adv} [Br.] | direkt hier |  |
 | right here {adv} | direkt hier |  |
 | coming directly | direkt kommend |  |
 | right after sth. {adv} | direkt nach etw.Dat. |  |
 | math. directly proportional {adj} | direkt proportional |  |
 | not exactly {adv} | nicht direkt |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to answer straight away | direkt antworten |  |