Dictionary English German: despite

Translation 1 - 34 of 34

English German
NOUN   despite | -
SYNO   contempt | despite | disdain | scorn
despite {prep}
trotz [+Gen., auch +Dat.]
despite {prep}
trotzdem [veraltet] [noch österr. ugs.] [obwohl]
despite {prep}
ungeachtet [+Gen.] [geh.]
despite {prep} [+gerund]
despite {prep}
bei [+Dat.] [trotz]
Verachtung {f}
despite [obs.]
Trotz {m}
2 Words: Others
despite everything {adv}immerhin [trotz allem]
despite everything {adv}trotz alledem
despite everything {adv}trotz allem
despite oneself {adv}ohne jds. Willen
despite setbacks {adv}trotz Rückschlägen
despite that {adv}trotz dessen
3 Words: Others
despite (all) appearances {adv} [idiom]allem Augenschein zum Trotz
despite all opposition {adv}allen Widerständen zum Trotz
despite all that {adv}trotz alledem
despite being blind {adv}trotz Blindheit
despite every objection {adv}allen Einwänden zum Trotz
despite one's innocence {adv}unschuldigerweise
despite these problems {adv}trotz dieser Probleme
4 Words: Others
despite our greatest efforts {adv}trotz größter Bemühungen
despite the fact that ...und das, obwohl ...
despite the fact that ...ungeachtet dessen, dass ...
despite the fact that ...trotz des Umstandes, dass ...
Despite what politicians say ...Ungeachtet dessen, was Politiker sagen ...
5+ Words: Others
despite all the care taken {adv}trotz aller Bemühungen
despite all the ups and downs {adv}trotz aller Holprigkeit
despite appearances to the contrary {adv} [idiom]allem Augenschein zum Trotz
despite assurances to the contrary {adv}trotz gegenteiliger Versprechungen
despite protestations to the contrary {adv}trotz gegenteiliger Beteuerungen
despite reports to the contrary {adv}entgegen anderslautenden Berichten
despite reports to the contrary {adv}entgegen anders lautenden Berichten
despite the lateness of the hour {adv}trotz der späten Stunde
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Changing Skins [USA] / Despite Himself [Australia]Raus aus der Haut [Andreas Dresen]
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