Dictionary English German: dealing

Translation 1 - 50 of 81  >>

English German
NOUN1   a dealing | dealings
NOUN2   dealing | -
VERB  to deal | dealt | dealt
dealing | deals
SYNO   dealing | dealings | transaction
dealing {adj} {pres-p}
Behandlung {f} [Thema, Antrag etc.]
Handel {m}
Umgang {m}
Handlungsweise {f}
2 Words: Others
death-dealing {adj}tödlich
double-dealing {adj}unaufrichtig
2 Words: Nouns
alms-dealingVerteilung {f} von Almosen
comm. weapons arms dealingWaffenhandel {m}
art comm. art-dealingKunsthandel {m}
comm. attendance dealingPlatzhandel {m}
games dealing boxKartenschlitten {m} [Casino]
games dealing outAusteilen {n} der Karten
dealing withBearbeitung {f} [einer Angelegenheit]
double-dealingBetrug {m}
double-dealingDoppelspiel {n} [pej.]
comm. drugs drug dealingDealen {n} [ugs.]
comm. drugs drug dealingDrogenhandel {m}
fair dealingKulanz {f}
fair dealingehrliche Handlungsweise {f}
horse-dealingPferdehandel {m}
illicit dealing {sg}unerlaubte Geschäfte {pl}
stocks insider dealingInsiderhandel {m}
stocks insider dealing {sg}Insidergeschäfte {pl}
stocks kerb dealingaußerbörsliches Geschäft {n}
official dealingamtlicher Handel {m}
stocks option dealingOptionshandel {m}
stocks package dealingBetätigung {f} im Pakethandel
art comm. picture-dealingKunsthandel {m}
scrupulous dealingbehutsame Handhabung {f}
econ. law self-dealingSelbstkontrahieren {n}
econ. law self-dealingSelbstkontrahierung {f}
comm. self-dealing {sg} [Am.]In-sich-Geschäfte {pl} [Insichgeschäfte]
stocks slaughter-dealingAbstoßen {n} von Aktien
slave dealingSklavenhandel {m}
stocks stock dealingAktienhandel {m}
telephone dealingTelefonhandel {m}
3 Words: Others
in dealing with {prep}im Umgang mit [+Dat.]
stocks in option dealingim Optionshandel
when dealing with sb./sth. {adv}beim Umgang mit jdm./etw.
3 Words: Nouns
stocks after-hours dealingnachbörslicher Handel {m}
dealing by telephoneTelefonhandel {m}
dealing for cashBargeschäft {n}
dealing for cashKassageschäft {n}
dealing in antiquesAntiquitätenhandel {m}
art comm. dealing in artKunsthandel {m}
dealing in bondsHandel {m} in Obligationen
dealing in gameWildbrethandel {m}
stocks dealing in sharesAktienhandel {m}
stocks dealing in stocksAktienhandel {m}
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