Dictionary English German: dabei

Translation 1 - 50 of 147  >>

SYNO   dabei | damit | hierbei | hiermit ... 
thereby {adv}
dabei [dadurch]
withal {adv} [archaic]
dabei [auch noch, dennoch, gleichzeitig]
there {adv} [present]
..., (with) ... [+gerund]... . Dabei ...
at that {adv} [at that point]dabei
as well {adv} [in addition]dabei [außerdem]
at it {adv}dabei [bei einer Sache]
at the same time {adv}dabei [gleichzeitig]
near by {adv}dabei [neben, nahe]
and yet {adv}dabei [und doch]
in doing so {adv}dabei [währenddessen, während]
in the process {adv} [idiom]dabei [währenddessen]
in the course of this {adv}dabei [währenddessen]
in this {adv} [matter]dabei [was das betrifft]
2 Words: Others
also thereauch dabei
what is more {adv}dabei (auch) [außerdem]
been present {past-p}dabei gewesen
close by {adv}dicht dabei
close to the action {adv}hautnah dabei
... at that. {adv} [coll.] [idiom]und dabei ...
2 Words: Verbs
to stick to one's guns [coll.] [idiom]dabei bleiben [bei seiner Meinung bleiben]
to be encloseddabei sein [als Anlage]
to be around [be there]dabei sein [anwesend sein]
to be presentdabei sein [anwesend sein]
to be theredabei sein [da sein]
to be involveddabei sein [involviert sein]
to take partdabei sein [mitmachen]
3 Words: Others
Let's keep it that way. [idiom]Belassen wir's dabei. [Redewendung]
Are you in on it?Bist du dabei?
Want to come? [coll.]Bist du dabei? [ugs.]
He came off a loser.Er verlor dabei.
Agreed!Es bleibt dabei!
It's a bargain!Es bleibt dabei!
I'm down! [Am.] [coll.]Ich bin dabei!
I'm in!Ich bin dabei!
Count me in!Ich bin dabei!
I am game! [idiom]Ich bin dabei!
I'm all in!Ich bin dabei. [Ich mache mit.]
Hit me. [coll.]Ich bin dabei. [ugs.]
I stick to it. [idiom]Ich bleibe dabei.
the problem with it is ...problematisch dabei ist ...
Get close to the action! [informally addressing one person]Sei hautnah dabei!
Get close to the action! [informally addressing more than one person]Seid hautnah dabei!
provided that in doing so ...vorausgesetzt, dass dabei ...
3 Words: Verbs
to be present at sth.bei etw.Dat. dabei sein
to be down for sth. [Am.] [intention to do sth.]bei etw.Dat. dabei sein [Absicht, etw. zu tun]
to sit in on sth.bei etw. dabei sein
sports to feature against [of player]dabei sein gegen [Spieler]
idiom to be there or be square [coll.]dabei sein müssen
to want in [on sth.]dabei sein wollen [mit von der Partie sein wollen]
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