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| – |
| current {adj} | 10227 aktuell | |
| current {adj} | 3447 augenblicklich [gegenwärtig] | |
| current {adj} | 3124 gegenwärtig [aktuell, derzeitig] | |
| current {adj} | 1751 derzeitig | |
| current {adj} | 1363 momentan | |
| current {adj} [present] | 636 jetzig [attr.] | |
| current {adj} | 332 laufend <lfd.> [Monat, Jahr, Konto] | |
| current {adj} [common, in general use] | 330 gängig [allgemein üblich, gebräuchlich] | |
| current {adj} | 111 vorliegend | |
| current {adj} [common, in general use] | 103 gebräuchlich | |
| current {adj} | 101 amtierend [gegenwärtig im Amt] | |
| current {adj} | 87 geläufig | |
| current {adj} | 81 angesagt [ugs.] [z. B. Mode] | |
| current {adj} [price list, regulations etc.] | 81 geltend | |
| current {adj} | 78 jeweilig [aktuell, herrschend] | |
| current {adj} | 37 marktüblich [Preis, Konditionen] | |
| current {adj} | 21 herrschend [Trend, Mode] | |
| current {adj} | 20 nunmehrig [geh.] | |
| current {adj} | 13 heutig | |
| current {adj} [in the present time] | 7 gegenwartsnah | |
Nouns |
| electr. current [electricity] | 4828 Strom {m} [Elektrizität] | |
| current [flow or movement] | 3536 Fluss {m} [Strömung oder Bewegung] | |
| electr. phys. current [amount] | 1124 Stromstärke {f} | |
| hydro. naut. current [also fig.: tendency] | 793 Strömung {f} [auch fig.: Tendenz] | |
| current | 91 Lauf {m} | |
2 Words: Others |
| electr. current-carrying {adj} | stromdurchflossen [stromführend] | |
| electr. current-carrying {adj} | stromführend | |
| electr. current-carrying {adj} | unter Strom stehend [Draht, Kabel, Klemme] | |
| electr. current-compensated {adj} | stromkompensiert | |
| electr. current-controlled {adj} | stromgeregelt | |
| electr. tech. current-controlled {adj} | stromgesteuert | |
| electr. current-dependent {adj} | stromabhängig | |
| electr. current-fed {adj} | stromgespeist | |
| hydro. current-influenced {adj} [e.g. wave parameter] | strömungsbeeinflusst [z. B. Wellenparameter] | |
| electr. current-limited {adj} | strombegrenzt | |
| electr. current-saving {adj} [economical] | stromsparend | |
| non-current {adj} | nicht im Umlauf | |
| over-current {adj} | Überstrom- | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to be current | auf dem aktuellen Stand sein | |
| electr. to draw (current) | (Strom) aufnehmen | |
| to keep sb. current | jdn. auf dem Laufenden halten [Redewendung] | |
| to stay current [idiom] | sich auf dem Laufenden halten [Redewendung] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| account current | Kontokorrent {n} | |
| account current | laufende Rechnung {f} | |
| fin. accounts current | Kontoauszug {m} | |
| med. action current | Aktionsstrom {m} | |
| electr. active current | Wirkstrom {m} | |
| electr. actuating current | Betätigungsstrom {m} | |
| geogr. naut. Agulhas Current | Agulhasstrom {m} | |
| air current | Luftstrom {m} | |