Dictionary English German: crimson faced

Translation 1 - 50 of 696  >>

crimson-faced {adj}mit hochrotem Kopf [nachgestellt]
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crimson {adj}blutrot
crimson {adj}hochrot
crimson {adj}karmesin [selten] [karmesinrot]
crimson {adj}karmesinrot
crimson {adj}purpurfarben
crimson {adj}purpurfarbig
crimson {adj}purpurn
crimsonHochrot {n}
crimsonhochroter Farbstoff {m}
crimsonKarmesin {n}
crimsonKarmesinrot {n}
crimsonKarmin {n}
crimsonKarminrot {n}
crimsonPurpur {m}
crimsonPurpurrot {n}
to crimson [fig.]hochrot werden [fig.]
to crimson sth.etw.Akk. hochrot färben
blushing crimson {adj}rot anlaufend
crimson (red) {adj}purpurrot
to blush crimsonfeuerrot werden
to flush crimsonpurpurrot anlaufen
crimson lake {adj} [pigment, colour]karminrot
crimson lake [pigment, colour]Karminrot {n}
RadioTV F Crimson Quackette [Darkwing Duck]Scharlachrote Quackine
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