Dictionary English German: cranberry

Translation 1 - 35 of 35


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NOUN   a cranberry | cranberries
NOUN   die Cranberry | die Cranberrys
bot. gastr. T
gastr. cranberry [Vaccinium Oxycoccus, Vaccinium macrocarpon]
Moosbeere {f}
gastr. cranberry [Vaccinium Oxycoccus, Vaccinium macrocarpon]
Kranichbeere {f} [nordd.]
2 Words: Nouns
cranberry glassRubinglas {n}
agr. cranberry harvestMoosbeerenernte {f}
FoodInd. gastr. cranberry jellyCranberry-Gelee {m} {n}
gastr. cranberry juiceMoosbeerensaft {m} [auch: Moosbeeren-Saft]
gastr. cranberry juicePreiselbeersaft {m} [seltener auch: Preiselbeer-Saft]
FoodInd. gastr. cranberry juiceCranberry-Saft {m}
gastr. cranberry sauceCranberrysauce {f}
gastr. cranberry sauceCranberrysoße {f}
gastr. cranberry sorbetCranberrysorbet {n} {m}
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
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