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| – |
 | country {adj} [attr.] [e.g. air, aristocrat, doctor, life, parson] | 511 Land- [z. B. Luft, Adeliger, Arzt, Leben, Pfarrer] |  |
 | country {adj} [attr.] | 49 ländlich |  |
 | country {adj} | 19 bäuerlich |  |
 | country {adj} [attr.] [e.g. abbreviation, code, ID, name, selection] | 10 Länder- [z. B. Kennung, Code, Kennzahl, Name, Auswahl] |  |
 | country {adj} [attr.] [e.g. boy, dance, wedding, furniture] | 10 Bauern- [ländlich oder rustikal, z. B. Junge, Tanz, Hochzeit, Möbel] |  |
 | country {adj} [attr.] [rural] [e.g. curate, pub, school] | Dorf- [z. B. Pfarrer, Kneipe, Schule] |  |
Nouns |
 | country1 [state, nation] | 2087 Land {n} [Staat, Nation] |  |
 | pol. country1 [state or nation] | 219 Staat {m} |  |
 | country2 [scenery, countryside] | 55 Gegend {f} |  |
 | country2 [countryside, rural area] | 36 Land {n} [ländliche Gegend] |  |
 | geogr. country [terrain] | 30 Gelände {n} |  |
 | country [region (with regard to its physical features)] | Land {n} [Landstrich, Gegend] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | across country {adv} | querfeldein |  |
 | across country {adv} | über Stock und Stein [Redewendung] |  |
 | country-bred {adj} | auf dem Lande aufgewachsen |  |
 | country-bred {adj} | auf dem Lande aufgezogen |  |
 | country-dependent {adj} | länderabhängig [z. B. Bestimmungen] |  |
 | country-related {adj} | länderbezogen |  |
 | country-specific {adj} | ländermäßig |  |
 | country-specific {adj} | länderspezifisch |  |
 | country-specific {adj} | landesspezifisch |  |
 | country-specific {adj} | landestypisch |  |
 | country-style {adj} | rustikal |  |
 | country-style {adj} {adv} | nach Bauernart [nachgestellt] |  |
 | country-wide {adj} {adv} | landesweit |  |
 | country-wide {adj} [referring to federal states] | bundesweit |  |
 | cross country {adv} | querfeldein |  |
 | cross-country {adj} | international |  |
 | cross-country {adv} | querfeldein |  |
 | sports cross-country {adj} | Querfeldein- |  |
 | cross-country {adj} | kreuz und quer durchs ganze Land |  |
 | automot. cross-country {adj} [attr.] [vehicle] | geländegängig |  |
 | traffic travel cross-country {adj} [attr.] [bus, train, flight] | Überland- [Bus, Zug, Flug] |  |
 | sports cross-country {adj} <XC, CC> [attr.] | Crosscountry- <XC, CC> |  |
 | sports cross-country {adj} <XC, CC> [attr.] | Cross-Country- |  |
 | in-country {adj} | im Inland |  |
 | inter-country {adj} | international |  |
 | inter-country {adj} | zwischenstaatlich |  |
 | multi-country {adj} [attr.] | über mehrere Länder [nachgestellt] |  |
 | law pol. third country {adj} [attr.] | aus Drittstaaten [nachgestellt] |  |
 | up-country {adj} {adv} | im Landesinneren |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | (country) lass | Mädchen {n} vom Land |  |
 | (country) squire | Junker {m} |  |
 | (country) squire | Landjunker {m} |  |
 | pol. accession country | Beitrittsland {n} |  |
 | adjoining country | angrenzendes Land {n} |  |
 | adopted country | Wahlheimat {f} |  |
 | adoptive country | Wahlheimat {f} |  |
 | agrarian country | Agrarland {n} |  |
 | agricultural country | Agrarland {n} |  |