Dictionary English German: cooking

Translation 1 - 50 of 164  >>

English German
NOUN   cooking | -
VERB  to cook | cooked | cooked
cooking | cooks
SYNO   cookery | cooking | preparation
cooking {adj} {pres-p}
gastr. cooking {adj} [attr.] [e.g. area, classes, skills, apple]
Koch- [z. B. Bereich, Kurs, Künste, Apfel]
gastr. cooking {adj} [attr.] [suitable for cooking]zum Kochen geeignet
gastr. cooking
Kochen {n}
gastr. cooking
Zubereitung {f}
gastr. cooking
Kochkunst {f}
gastr. cooking [cuisine]
Küche {f} [z. B. deutsche Küche]
Garen {n}
gastr. cookingGarung {f}
2 Words: Others
at cooking {adv}im Kochen
What's cooking? [coll.] [fig.]Was ist los?
What's cooking? [coll.] [fig.]Was tut sich?
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. (cooking) ovenBratofen {m}
adventurous cookinggewagtes Kochen {n}
cooking 101 [idiom]das 1x1 {n} des Kochens [Redewendung]
gastr. cooking adviceKochtipp {m}
gastr. cooking appleKochapfel {m}
gastr. cooking applesKochäpfel {pl}
gastr. cooking applessaure Äpfel {pl} [Kochäpfel, Wirtschaftsäpfel]
cooking areaKochbereich {m}
cooking areaKochstelle {f}
gastr. jobs cooking assistantKochgehilfe {m}
gastr. cooking bagBratbeutel {m}
gastr. cooking bagBratschlauch {m}
cooking bagKochbeutel {m}
cooking chamberGarraum {m}
gastr. cooking cheeseKochkäse {m}
gastr. cooking chocolateBlockschokolade {f}
gastr. cooking chocolateKochschokolade {f}
cooking classKochkurs {m}
educ. cooking classes {pl}Kochkurs {m}
gastr. cooking contestKochwettbewerb {m}
educ. gastr. cooking courseKochkurs {m}
gastr. cooking creamKochsahne {f}
gastr. cooking creamObers {n} zum Kochen [österr.]
gastr. cooking cultureKochkultur {f}
gastr. cooking demonstrationKochvorführung {f}
gastr. cooking deviceKochgerät {n}
gastr. cooking dishKochform {f}
cooking facilitiesKochgelegenheiten {pl}
gastr. cooking facilitiesKochmöglichkeiten {pl}
gastr. cooking fatBackfett {n}
gastr. cooking fatKochfett {n}
gastr. cooking fatSpeisefett {n}
cooking fatFett {n} zum Kochen
cooking fireKochfeuer {n}
gastr. cooking foilAlufolie {f} [kurz für: Aluminiumfolie]
cooking foilBackfolie {f}
gastr. cooking fumesKochdünste {pl}
cooking gasKochgas {n}
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