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| – |
 | control {adj} | 71 Kontroll- |  |
Verbs |
 | to control [operate, navigate] | 769 steuern |  |
 | to control | 766 kontrollieren [steuern, regeln, beherrschen] |  |
 | to control sb./sth. | 498 jdn./etw. beherrschen |  |
 | to control [be in control] | 475 leiten |  |
 | to control [anger, thoughts, etc.] | 181 bändigen |  |
 | to control [surveil, police] | 137 überwachen |  |
 | to control [regulate] | 117 regeln [Verkehr, Prozess, Temperatur etc.] |  |
 | tech. to control sth. | 94 etw. bedienen |  |
 | to control [pain etc.] | 81 verhalten [geh.] [unterdrücken, z. B. Schmerz] |  |
 | to control | 68 regulieren |  |
 | to control | 62 beeinflussen |  |
 | to control sb./sth. [moderate] | 60 jdn./etw. mäßigen |  |
 | to control | 59 lenken |  |
 | acad. to control sth. [check, test] | 56 etw. überprüfen [Resultate eines Experiments etc.] |  |
 | to control | 51 schalten |  |
 | admin. to control | 49 bewirtschaften |  |
 | to control [moderate, curb] | 44 zügeln |  |
 | to control | 32 ansteuern |  |
 | to control | 30 prüfen |  |
 | to control | 20 einschränken |  |
 | to control sth. [feelings, a passion, etc.] | 14 etw.Akk. bezwingen [Gefühle, eine Leidenschaft etc.] |  |
 | to control [allocate, disseminate] | 13 verteilen |  |
 | to control | 8 testen |  |
 | to control | die Kontrolle ausüben |  |
 | to control | die Kontrolle haben |  |
 | to control | in der Gewalt haben |  |
 | to control [exercise power] | Macht ausüben |  |
 | to control [restrain] | bezähmen |  |
 | to control sth. | über etw. Herr sein |  |
Nouns |
 | control | 646 Kontrolle {f} |  |
 | electr. tech. control | 292 Steuerung {f} |  |
 | control [disposition] | 121 Verfügung {f} [Verfügungsgewalt über etw.] |  |
 | comp. tech. control | 70 Bedienelement {n} |  |
 | tech. control | 67 Bedienung {f} |  |
 | comp. tech. control | 67 Steuerelement {n} |  |
 | comp. tech. control | 64 Bedienungselement {n} |  |
 | tech. control | 60 Schalter {m} |  |
 | control [influence] | 48 Einfluss {m} |  |
 | control [power] | 44 Gewalt {f} [Kontrolle] |  |
 | fin. control [of money, fortune] | 42 Verwaltung {f} [von Geld, Vermögen] |  |
 | ecol. control [containment] | 35 Eindämmung {f} [Bekämpfung] |  |
 | control [physical control, self-control] | 35 Beherrschung {f} |  |
 | admin. econ. control | 34 Bewirtschaftung {f} |  |
 | control [of traffic, sound etc.] | 29 Regelung {f} [Verkehr, Ton etc.] |  |
 | control | 28 Zügel {m} |  |
 | comp. control [graphic interface control button] | 27 Schaltfläche {f} |  |
 | control [superintendence] | 26 Aufsicht {f} |  |
 | control | 22 Ansteuerung {f} |  |
 | control | 22 Leitung {f} |  |