Dictionary English German: computing

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NOUN   computing | -
VERB  to compute | computed | computed
computing | computes
SYNO   calculation | computation | computing ... 
computing {adj} {pres-p}
comp. math. computing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. capacity, error, method, operation, power, time]
Rechen- [z. B. Kapazität, Fehler, Methode, Operation, Leistung, Zeit]
comp. computing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. equipment, giant]Computer- [z. B. Zubehör, Riese]
comp. computing
Computerwesen {n}
comp. computing [data processing]
Datenverarbeitung {f}
computing {sg}
Computerarbeiten {pl}
2 Words: Others
comp. computing-intensive {adj}rechenintensiv
2 Words: Nouns
comp. Internet cloud (computing) [fig.]Datenwolke {f}
comp. cloud computing <CC>Rechnerwolke {f}
comp. cloud computing <CC>Cloud-Computing {n} <CC> [auch: Cloud Computing]
computing amplifierRechenverstärker {m}
electr. computing amplifier [dated for: operational amplifier]Operationsverstärker {m}
comp. computing capacityRechenkapazität {f}
comp. computing center [Am.]Rechenzentrum {n}
comp. computing centre [Br.]Rechenzentrum {n} <RZ>
comp. computing equipmentComputerzubehör {n}
comp. computing equipmentRechnerausstattung {f}
computing errorRechenfehler {m}
computing facilityRechenmöglichkeit {f}
comp. econ. computing giantComputergigant {m}
comp. econ. computing giantComputerriese {m}
comp. educ. computing lessons {pl}Informatikunterricht {m}
comp. computing machineRechenmaschine {f}
computing methodBerechnungsverfahren {n}
math. computing methodRechenmethode {f}
comp. econ. jobs computing officerEDV-Beauftragter {m}
computing operationRechengang {m}
math. computing operationRechenoperation {f}
computing operationRechenvorgang {m}
comp. computing powerRechenkraft {f}
comp. computing powerRechenleistung {f}
comp. computing powerRechenpower {f} [ugs.]
computing processRechenprozess {m}
computing processRechenvorgang {m}
comp. computing programRechenprogramm {n}
comp. computing projectRechenprojekt {n}
comp. computing resourceRechenressource {f}
computing speedRechengeschwindigkeit {f}
comp. computing systemInformatiksystem {n}
comp. math. computing systemRechensystem {n}
comp. computing systemRechnersystem {n}
comp. computing timeBerechnungszeit {f}
comp. computing timeRechendauer {f}
computing timeRechenzeit {f}
comp. distributed computingverteiltes Rechnen {n}
comp. grid computingräumlich verteiltes Rechnen {n}
comp. midrange computingmittlere Datentechnik {f} <MDT>
comp. mobile computingmobile Computernutzung {f}
comp. mobile computingmobiles Computing {n}
comp. educ. network computingNetwork Computing {n} [auch Studiengangsbezeichnung]
neural computingNeurocomputing {n} [auch: Neuro-Computing]
comp. pervasive computingubiquitäres Computing {n}
educ. scientific computingwissenschaftliches Rechnen {n}
comp. soft computingSoft Computing {n}
statistical computingStatistical Computing {n}
comp. stat. statistical computing {sg}statistische Berechnungen {pl}
comp. math. symbolic computingsymbolische Berechnung {f}
comp. ubiquitous computing <ubicomp>Rechnerallgegenwart {f}
comp. ubiquitous computing <ubicomp>allgegenwärtiges Rechnen {n}
comp. ubiquitous computing <ubicomp>ubiquitäre Computernutzung {f}
comp. ubiquitous computing <ubicomp>ubiquitäres Computing {n}
3 Words: Nouns
comp. high performance computing <HPC>Hochleistungsrechnen {n}
comp. high-performance computing <HPC>Hochleistungsrechnen {n}
rule for computingRechenregel {f}
comp. universal (computing) machine <UCM, UM> [universal Turing machine]universelle Turingmaschine {f} <UTM>
comp. hist. universal computing machineUniversalrechner {m} [von Neumann]
4 Words: Nouns
comp. Association for Computing Machinery <ACM>ACM {f} [Association for Computing Machinery]
5+ Words: Others
QM tech. Estimation of errors in computing Gaussian associated features [Part 6 of DIN EN ISO 10360]Fehlerabschätzung beim Berechnen zugeordneter Geometrieelemente nach Gauß [Teil 6 der DIN EN ISO 10360]
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