Dictionary English German: computer

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NOUN   a computer | computers
NOUN   der Computer | die Computer
VERB   etw. auf dem Rechner/Computer haben | hatte etw. auf dem Rechner/Computer// etw. auf dem Rechner/Computer hatte | etw. auf dem Rechner/Computer gehabt
comp. computer {adj} [attr.]
comp. computer {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cluster, family, installation, performance]
Rechner- [Computer-] [z. B. Verbund, Familie, Installation, Leistung]
comp. computer {adj} [attr.] [e.g. centre, operation, speed, technology, unit]Rechen- [z. B. Zentrum, Operation, Geschwindigkeit, Technik, Werk]
comp. computerised {adj} {past-p} [Br.]im Computer erstellt
comp. computerised {adj} {past-p} [Br.]in den Computer eingespeist
comp. computerized {adj} {past-p}im Computer erstellt
comp. computerized {adj} {past-p}per Computer erstellt
comp. computerized {adj} {past-p}vom Computer errechnet
comp. computerized {adj} {past-p}vom Computer erstellt
comp. computerized {adj} {past-p}in den Computer eingespeist
comp. computing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. equipment, giant]Computer- [z. B. Zubehör, Riese]
comp. to computerise [Br.]auf Computer umstellen
comp. to computerise sth. [Br.]etw. auf den Computer übertragen
comp. to computerise sth. [Br.] [data]etw. in den Computer einspeisen [Daten]
comp. to computerizeauf Computer umstellen
comp. to computerize sth.etw. auf den Computer übertragen
comp. to computerize sth. [data]etw. in den Computer einspeisen [Daten]
comp. to computerize sth. [data]etw. in einen / den Computer eingeben [Daten]
comp. computer
Computer {m}
comp. computer
Rechner {m}
comp. computers
Computer {pl}
comp. computer
Rechenmaschine {f}
comp. computer
Elektronenrechner {m}
comp. computerRechengerät {n}
comp. computerelektronische Rechenanlage {f}
comp. computerizationUmstellung {f} auf Computer
comp. desktop [desktop computer]Desktop-Computer {m}
comp. geek [esp. Am.] [coll.]Computer-Versessener {m}
2 Words: Others
comp. computer stored {adj}computergespeichert
comp. computer-aided {adj}computergestützt
comp. computer-aided {adj}computerunterstützt
comp. computer-aided {adj}rechnerunterstützt
math. computer-algebraic {adj}computeralgebraisch
comp. film computer-animated {adj}computeranimiert
comp. med. MedTech. computer-assisted {adj}computerassistiert
comp. computer-assisted {adj}computergestützt
comp. computer-assisted {adj}computerunterstützt
comp. computer-based {adj}computerbasiert
comp. computer-based {adj}computergestützt
comp. computer-based {adj}rechnergestützt
comp. computer-based {adj}auf Computerbasis [nachgestellt]
comp. computer-controlled {adj}computergesteuert
comp. computer-controlled {adj}rechnergesteuert
comp. computer-dependent {adj}computerabhängig
comp. computer-dependent {adj}rechnerabhängig
comp. computer-driven {adj}rechnergesteuert
comp. computer-generated {adj}computergeneriert
comp. computer-generated {adj}rechnererzeugt
computer-independent {adj}computerunabhängig
comp. computer-independent {adj}rechnerunabhängig
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