Dictionary English German: computational

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ADJ   computational | more computational | most computational
computational {adj}
computational {adj}
math. computational {adj}
math. computational {adj}
computational {adj}
2 Words: Nouns
computational abilityRechenfähigkeit {f}
computational accuracyRechengenauigkeit {f}
comp. computational analysisComputeranalyse {f}
computational analysiscomputergestützte Analyse {f}
computational analysisrechnergestützte Analyse {f}
comp. engin. computational burdenRechenaufwand {m}
comp. engin. computational burdenRechenbelastung {f} [Aufwand]
chem. computational chemistry <CC>Computerchemie {f} <CC> [auch: Computer-Chemie]
comp. computational complexityBerechnungskomplexität {f}
comp. computational complexityRechenaufwand {m}
comp. econ. computational costRechenaufwand {m}
computational cost {sg}Rechenkosten {pl}
comp. computational domainRechengebiet {n}
comp. math. computational efficiencyRecheneffizienz {f}
computational effortAufwand {m} [rechnerisch]
computational effortRechenaufwand {m}
engin. jobs computational engineerBerechnungsingenieur {m}
engin. jobs computational engineer [female]Berechnungsingenieurin {f}
jobs computational engineeringIngenieurinformatik {f}
computational errorRechenfehler {m}
computational expenseBerechnungsaufwand {m}
computational functionRechenfunktion {f}
comp. math. computational geometry <CG>algorithmische Geometrie {f} <AG>
math. tech. computational gridRechengitter {n}
comp. educ. computational imaging [computational visualistics]Computervisualistik {f} [auch Studiengangsbezeichnung]
comp. computational intelligence <CI>Computational Intelligence {f} <CI>
comp. jobs ling. computational linguistComputerlinguist {m}
comp. jobs ling. computational linguist [female]Computerlinguistin {f}
comp. computational linguisticsComputerlinguistik {f}
computational linguisticslinguistische Datenverarbeitung {f}
educ. computational logic <CL>Computational Logic {f} <CL> [Studiengangsbezeichnung]
acad. educ. math. computational mathematics <CM> [treated as sg.]Computermathematik {f} <CM>
math. computational methodBerechnungsmethode {f}
math. computational methodRechenmethode {f}
math. computational methodRechenverfahren {n}
comp. math. computational modelBerechnungsmodell {n}
acad. comp. computational modelComputermodell {n}
comp. computational modelRechenmodell {n}
acad. computational neuroscienceComputer-Neurowissenschaft {f}
comp. phys. computational physics <CP> [treated as sg.]computergestützte Physik {f}
comp. computational powerRechenleistung {f}
computational processRechenvorgang {m}
computational resultRechenergebnis {n}
comp. computational resultsRechenergebnisse {pl}
educ. computational sciencewissenschaftliches Rechnen {n}
comp. math. computational science {sg}rechnergestützte Wissenschaften {pl}
sociol. computational sociologyComputational Sociology {f}
computational statistics [treated as sg.]Computational Statistics {f}
math. computational systemRechensystem {n}
math. computational techniqueRechentechnik {f}
tools computational toolRechenwerkzeug {n}
educ. computational visualistics <CV>Computervisualistik {f} <CV>
3 Words: Nouns
comp. math. (computational) complexity theoryKomplexitätstheorie {f} [Theoretische Informatik]
comp. computational face recognition [biometrics]Gesichtserkennung {f} [biometrisches Verfahren]
engin. computational fluid dynamics <CFD>numerische Strömungsmechanik {f} <CFD>
computational life scienceBioinformatik {f} [Computational Life Science]
4 Words: Nouns
audio comp. computational auditory scene analysis <CASA>computergestützte auditorische Szenenanalyse {f}
philos. acad. computational theory of mindrechnerische Theorie {f} des Geistes
educ. math. discrete and computational mathematicsdiskrete und computerorientierte Mathematik {f}
5+ Words: Nouns
educ. computer vision <CV> and computational intelligence <CI>Computer Vision und Computational Intelligence [Studiengangsbezeichnung] [Bilderkennungen und intelligente Informationssysteme]
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