Dictionary English German: company's

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[original production plant, based in the company's home region, and still in use]Mutterwerk {n}
2 Words
econ. law company's risk <C.R.>auf Gefahr der Gesellschaft
company's booksBücher {pl} der Firma
company's capitalKapital {n} des Unternehmens
law company's debtGesellschaftsschuld {f}
market. company's mottoFirmenmotto {n}
company's nameFirmenname {m}
company's profitGewinn {m} eines Unternehmens
company's standFirmenstand {m}
company's trademarkFirmenmarke {f}
4 Words
from the company's standpoint {adv}vom Standpunkt des Unternehmens
to measure a company's returndie Rendite berechnen
company's cash on handBargeld {n} des Unternehmens
company's rate of returnRendite {f} eines Unternehmens
5+ Words
econ. from a / the company's perspective {adv} [also: from a / the company perspective]aus Unternehmenssicht
from the company's own resourcesaus Gesellschaftsmitteln
change of the company's legal statusUmfirmierung {f}
change of the company's nameUmfirmierung {f}
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