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| – |
 | comm. econ. company {adj} | 107 firmeneigen |  |
 | comm. econ. company {adj} [attr.] | 69 Betriebs- |  |
 | econ. company {adj} [attr.] | 42 betrieblich [Krankenversicherung, Vergünstigungen etc.] |  |
 | company {adj} [attr.] [e.g. boss, foundation, premises, logo] | 11 Firmen- [z. B. Chef, Gründung, Gelände, Logo] |  |
Nouns |
 | comm. econ. company | 5435 Firma {f} |  |
 | comm. econ. company | 4580 Unternehmen {n} |  |
 | econ. company <co.> | 728 Gesellschaft {f} <Ges.> |  |
 | company | 382 Begleitung {f} |  |
 | company [friends, acquaintances] | 170 Umgang {m} [Kontakte] |  |
 | econ. company1 | 147 Betrieb {m} [Firma] |  |
 | company {sg} [guests] | 82 Gäste {pl} [Besucher] |  |
 | dance theatre company | 56 Ensemble {n} |  |
 | company | 55 Begleiten {n} |  |
 | company [visitors] | 47 Besuch {m} |  |
 | econ. company | 37 Unternehmung {f} [seltener] [Unternehmen, Firma] |  |
 | comm. dance mil. company | 29 Kompanie {f} |  |
 | comm. econ. company | 23 Geschäftshaus {n} [Firma] |  |
 | comm. company <Co.> | 11 Compagnie {f} <Co.> [Handelsgesellschaft] |  |
 | hist. mil. company [military unit of landsknechts] | 6 Fähnlein {n} [Truppeneinheit der Landsknechte] |  |
 | [original production plant, based in the company's home region, and still in use] | Mutterwerk {n} |  |
 | comm. mil. company | Kompagnie {f} [schweiz.] [sonst veraltet] |  |
 | theatre company | Truppe {f} [Ensemble] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | comm. econ. and company <& Co.> | & Co. |  |
 | company-confidential {adj} [data] | vertraulich [vertrauliche Firmendaten] |  |
 | company-confidential {adj} [document, information] | firmenvertraulich |  |
 | econ. jobs company-internal {adj} | firmenintern |  |
 | company-owned {adj} | betriebseigen |  |
 | company-owned {adj} | konzerneigen |  |
 | econ. company-specific {adj} | firmenspezifisch |  |
 | econ. company-specific {adj} | unternehmensspezifisch |  |
 | company-wide {adj} {adv} | konzernweit |  |
 | econ. company-wide {adj} | unternehmensweit |  |
 | econ. law company's risk <C.R.> | auf Gefahr der Gesellschaft |  |
 | comm. cross-company {adj} | firmenübergreifend |  |
 | econ. cross-company {adj} | unternehmensübergreifend |  |
 | acc. comp. cross-company {adj} [SAP] | buchungskreisübergreifend [SAP] |  |
 | in company {adv} | in Gesellschaft |  |
 | in-company {adj} | betriebsintern |  |
 | inter-company {adj} [attr.] | zwischenbetrieblich |  |
 | intra-company {adj} | innerhalb des Unternehmens [nachgestellt] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to accept sb.'s company | jds. Begleitung annehmen |  |
 | to bear company | Gesellschaft leisten |  |
 | to bear sb. company | jdm. Gesellschaft leisten |  |
 | to enjoy company | sich in Gesellschaft wohlfühlen |  |
 | to expect company [a visitor / visitors] | Besuch erwarten |  |
 | to get company | Gesellschaft bekommen |  |
 | to have company | Gesellschaft haben |  |
 | to keep company | verkehren |  |
 | to keep company | Gesellschaft leisten |  |
 | to keep sb. company | jdm. Gesellschaft leisten |  |