Dictionary English German: command controlled

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ADJ   command-controlled | - | -
command-controlled {adj}befehlsgesteuert
Partial Matches
econ. spec. controlled distribution <CD>Controlled Distribution {f} [fachspr.] [kontrollierte Verteilung]
Internet kill operating system command <KOS command, kill OS command>KOS-Befehl {m} ["Töte das Betriebssystem"]
lit. F The Command Authority [Tom Clancy with Mark Greany]Command Authority: Kampf um die Krim
comp. prompt command <PMT command>Prompt-Befehl {m}
RadioTV F Buzz Lightyear of Star CommandCaptain Buzz LightyearStar Command
mil. Special Operations Command Central <SOCCENT>United States Special Operations Command {n} Central <SOCCENT>
controlled {adj} {past-p}beaufsichtigt
controlled {adj} {past-p}beherrscht
controlled {adj} {past-p}eingeschränkt
controlled {adj} {past-p}festgelegt
controlled {adj} {past-p}geleitet
controlled {adj} {past-p}gelenkt
controlled {adj} {past-p}geregelt
controlled {adj} {past-p}gesteuert
controlled {adj} {past-p}kontrolliert
controlled {adj} {past-p}reguliert
controlled {adj} {past-p}überprüft
controlled {adj} {past-p}überwacht
controlled {adj}unter Kontrolle
controlled {adj} {past-p} [passion]gezügelt
comm. controlled {adj} [prices]gebunden
engin. cam-controlled {adj}kurvengesteuert
card-controlled {adj}kartengesteuert
case-controlled {adj}fallkontrolliert
clock-controlled {adj}taktgesteuert
comp. computer-controlled {adj}computergesteuert
comp. computer-controlled {adj}rechnergesteuert
controlled remotely {adj} {past-p}ferngesteuert
electr. crystal-controlled {adj}quarzgesteuert
electr. current-controlled {adj}stromgeregelt
electr. tech. current-controlled {adj}stromgesteuert
cycle-controlled {adj}zyklengesteuert
biochem. med. cytokine-controlled {adj}zytokingesteuert
tech. device-controlled {adj}gerätegesteuert
tech. directly controlled {adj}direktgesteuert
tech. externally controlled {adj}fremdgesteuert
electr. frequency-controlled {adj}frequenzgeregelt
tech. grid-controlled {adj}gittergesteuert
hand-controlled {adj}handgesteuert
instinctively controlled {adj}instinktgesteuert
interrupt-controlled {adj}unterbrechungsgesteuert
key-controlled {adj}tastaturgesteuert
key-controlled {adj}tastengesteuert
keyboard-controlled {adj}tastaturgesteuert
keyboard-controlled {adj}tastengesteuert
tech. lever-controlled {adj}hebelgeschaltet
manually controlled {adj}handgesteuert
menu-controlled {adj}menügesteuert
tech. microprocessor-controlled {adj}mikroprozessorgesteuert
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