Dictionary English German: coffee

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NOUN1   coffee | -
NOUN2   a coffee | coffees
SYNO   coffee | coffee bean | coffee berry ... 
gastr. coffee
Kaffee {m}
coffee [colour]Kaffeebraun {n}
comm. gastr. coffeehouseCoffee-Shop {m}
2 Words: Others
coffee brown {adj}kaffeebraun
coffee-colored {adj} [Am.]kaffeebraun
coffee-colored {adj} [Am.]kaffeefarben
coffee-coloured {adj} [Br.]kaffeebraun
coffee-coloured {adj} [Br.]kaffeefarben
coffee-table {adj} [attr.] [fig.] [e.g. literature]leichtverdaulich [fig.] [z. B. Literatur]
gastr. coffee-table {adj} [attr.] [fig.] [e.g. literature]leicht verdaulich [fig.] [z. B. Literatur]
coffee-table {adj} [attr.] [fig.] [e.g. music]leicht [ohne hohen Anspruch, z. B. Musik]
2 Words: Verbs
gastr. to brew coffeeKaffee kochen
gastr. to make coffeeKaffee kochen
gastr. to make coffeeKaffee machen
gastr. to percolate coffee[mit der Espressokanne / dem Perkolator] Kaffee machen
gastr. to perk coffee [coll.] [percolate][mit der Espressokanne / dem Perkolator] Kaffee machen
gastr. to take coffeeKaffee trinken
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. (coffee) creamerKaffeeweißer {m}
gastr. (coffee) tamperKaffeestampfer {m}
gastr. med. acorn coffeeEichelkaffee {m}
gastr. afternoon coffeeNachmittagskaffee {m}
gastr. barley coffeeMalzkaffee {m}
gastr. barley coffee [Italian: Caffè d'orzo ]Gerstenkaffee {m}
gastr. bean coffeeBohnenkaffee {m}
gastr. black coffeeschwarzer Kaffee {m}
gastr. black coffeeKaffee {m} ohne Milch
gastr. chicory coffeeZichorienkaffee {m}
gastr. civet coffeeKatzenkaffee {m} [ugs.] [Kopi Luwak]
bot. gastr. civet coffee [kopi luwak]Kopi Luwak {f} [auch: Kopi-Luwak-Kaffee]
coffee addictKaffeesüchtiger {m}
coffee addict [female]Kaffeesüchtige {f}
psych. coffee addictionKaffeesucht {f}
gastr. coffee bagKaffeepäckchen {n}
gastr. coffee bagKaffeepackung {f}
gastr. coffee bar [Br.]Café {n}
bot. coffee beanKaffeebohne {f}
bot. gastr. coffee beansKaffeebohnen {pl}
bot. coffee berryKaffeebeere {f}
bot. coffee berryKaffeebohne {f}
gastr. coffee blendKaffeemischung {f}
gastr. coffee bowlKaffeeschale {f}
comm. coffee brandKaffeemarke {f}
gastr. coffee breadKaffeebrot {n}
coffee breakKaffeepause {f}
gastr. coffee brewerKaffeemaschine {f}
electr. gastr. coffee brewer [automatic]Kaffeeautomat {m}
coffee brownKaffeebraun {n}
bot. coffee bushKaffeestrauch {m}
coffee caddyKaffeebüchse {f}
coffee caddyKaffeedose {f}
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