Dictionary English German: coco

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NOUN   coco | cocos
SYNO   Cocos nucifera | coco | coco palm ... 
coco {adj} [e.g. coco matting or coco palm]Kokos- [z. B. Kokosläufer oder -palme]
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fin. Cocos {pl} [short for: contingent convertible bonds / notes]Coco-Bonds {pl} [bedingte Pflichtwandelanleihen]
2 Words
fin. CoCo bondCoco-Bond {m} [bedingte Pflichtwandelanleihe]
bot. zool. coco humusKokoshumus {m}
geogr. Coco Islands [Burma]Kokosinseln {pl} [Myanmar]
Concert Companion <CoCo> [PDA with explanatory remarks during performance]Concert Companion {m}
fin. contingent convertibles <CoCo>Coco-Bonds {pl} [bedingte Pflichtwandelanleihen]
3 Words
I should coco. [sl.] [hum.]Das wollt ich meinen! [hum.]
bot. zool. coco humus brickKokoshumusziegel {m}
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
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Coco de Mer {f}
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