Dictionary English German: cochlear

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ADJ  cochlear | - | - ... 
anat. cochlear {adj}
anat. audio cochlear {adj}
bot. cochleate {adj}cochlear
2 Words
audio cochlear amplifier <CA>cochleärer Verstärker {m}
audio cochlear amplifier <CA>kochleärer Verstärker {m}
anat. cochlear canalSchneckengang {m} [im Innenohr]
anat. audio VetMed. cochlear duct [Ductus cochlearis, Scala media]Schneckengang {m}
anat. audio VetMed. cochlear duct [Scala media, Ducutus cochlearis]mittlere Treppe {f} [auch: Scala media od. Ductus cochlearis]
anat. cochlear ganglion <CG> [Ganglion cochleare, Ganglion spirale cochlearis, Ganglion spirale cochleae]Corti-Ganglion {n}
anat. cochlear ganglion <CG> [Ganglion cochleare, Ganglion spirale cochlearis]cochleares Ganglion {n}
audio cochlear implantCochlearimplantat / Cochlear-Implantat {n} [ugs.] [Cochleaimplant, Cochlea-Implant]
med. cochlear implant <CI>Cochleaimplantat {n} <CI>
audio cochlear implant <CI>Cochlea-Implantat {n} <CI>
med. cochlear implantationCochlea-Implantation {f}
anat. cochlear nerve <CN> [Nervus cochlearis (acusticus)]Hörnerv {m}
biol. cochlear nucleus <CN> [Nucleus cochlearis]Schneckenkern {m}
anat. audio VetMed. cochlear window [Fenestra cochleae rotunda, Fenestra cochleae, Fenestra rotunda] [round window]Rundfenster {n}
3 Words
audio med. (cochlear) microphonic potential <CMP, CM>(cochleäres) Mikrophonpotential {n} <CM>
biol. anterior cochlear nucleus <ACN> [Nucleus cochlearis anterior]vorderer Schneckenkern {m}
anat. cochlear canal / duct [Scala media, Ductus cochlearis]Scala media {f}
biol. posterior cochlear nucleus <PCN> [Nucleus cochlearis posterior]hinterer Schneckenkern {m}
4 Words
audio totally integrated cochlear amplifier <TICA>TICA® {n} [vollständig implantierbares Hörgerät]
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