Dictionary English German: cobra

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NOUN   a cobra | cobras
zool. T
Kobra {f}
2 Words: Nouns
med. MedTech. cobra catheterKobrakatheter {m}
med. MedTech. cobra catheterKobra-Katheter {m}
econ. cobra effectKobra-Effekt {m}
cobra pose [bhujangasana]Kobrastellung {f} [Yoga]
zool. cobra venomKobragift {n}
admin. EKO-Cobra [Austrian special police force]Einsatzkommando {n} Cobra <EKO-Cobra> [Österreich]
aviat. Pugachev's CobraPugatschow-Kobra {f}
5+ Words: Others
idiom Come in, Cobra 13, over!Kobra 13, bitte kommen! [Funksprechverkehr]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Black Cobra Woman [Joe D'Amato] [also: Black Cobra]Nackte Eva
film F Cobra [George Pan Cosmatos]Die City-Cobra
film F Cobra Verde [also: Slave Coast]Cobra Verde [Werner Herzog]
film F Cobra Woman [Robert Siodmak]Die Schlangenpriesterin
film F G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra [Stephen Sommers]G.I. JoeGeheimauftrag Cobra
lit. F The Cobra [Frederick Forsyth]Cobra
film F The Shanghai Cobra [Phil Karlson]Charlie Chan: Ein fast perfektes Alibi
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
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