Dictionary English German: coal

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NOUN1   a coal | coal/coals
NOUN2   coal [mass noun] | -
VERB  to coal | coaled | coaled ... 
SYNO   to char | to coal | coal | ember
naut. to coal
bunkern [Kohle]
mining to coal [mine or extract coal]Kohle abbauen
mining to coal [mine or extract coal]Kohle fördern
naut. to coal [steamship: take on a supply of coal]Kohle an Bord nehmen [Dampfer]
to coal sth. [to supply with coal]etw.Akk. bekohlen [mit Kohle versorgen]
Kohle {f}
Steinkohle {f}
coalGrubengold {n} [fig.] [Kohle]
coalschwarzes Gold {n} [fig. für: Kohle]
2 Words: Others
geol. coal-bearing {adj}kohleführend
geol. coal-bearing {adj}kohlehaltig
coal-black {adj}kohlrabenschwarz
coal-black {adj}kohlschwarz
coal-black {adj}rabenschwarz [Augen, Seele]
coal-black {adj}so schwarz wie Kohle
coal-burning {adj}kohlebefeuert
coal-fired {adj}kohlebefeuert
coal-fired {adj}kohlebeheizt
coal-fired {adj}mit Kohle beheizt
mining no-coal {adj} [attr.]flözleer
2 Words: Verbs
to burn coalmit Kohle feuern
to carry coalKohle transportieren
to consume coalKohle verbrauchen
mining to produce coalKohle fördern
mining to raise coalKohle gewinnen
to scoop coalKohle schaufeln
to shovel coalKohle schaufeln
mining to win coalKohle abbauen
mining to win coalKohle gewinnen
2 Words: Nouns
spec. activated coalAktivkohle {f} <A-Kohle>
anthracite coalAnthrazit {m}
anthracite coalAnthrazitkohle {f}
mining anthracitic coalanthrazitische Kohle {f}
barbecue coalGrillkohle {f}
tech. bituminous coalFettkohle {f}
tech. bituminous coalPechkohle {f}
geol. mining bituminous coalSteinkohle {f}
geol. bituminous coalbituminöse Kohle {f}
geol. bituminous coalbitumöse Braunkohle {f}
geol. mining black coalSteinkohle {f}
geol. black coalschwarze Kohle {f}
geol. blended coalKohlenartenmischung {f}
blind coalmagere Steinkohle {f}
geol. mining brown coalBraunkohle {f}
geol. candle coalKannelkohle {f}
geol. candle coalKännelkohle {f}
geol. cannel coalKännelkohle {f}
mining chestnut coal [nuts]Nusskohle {f}
coal allowance [as income in kind]Kohledeputat {n}
coal areaKohlegegend {f}
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