Dictionary English German: co altitude

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aviat. co-altitude {adv}auf derselben Höhe
Partial Matches
tech. carbon monoxide (electric discharge) laser <CO laser, CO-EDL>Kohlenmonoxid-Laser {m} <CO-Laser>
anat. biol. coccygeal nerve [Nervus coccygeus] <Co>coccygealer Spinalnerv {m} <Co>
anat. biol. coccygeal nerve [Nervus coccygeus] <Co>Coccygealnerv {m} <Co>
pharm. co-analgesic (agent)Co-Analgetikum {n} [auch: Coanalgetikum]
pharm. co-analgesicsCo-Analgetika {pl} [auch: Coanalgetika]
math. co-derived graphCo-Kantengraph {m} [Graphentheorie]
comm. company <Co.>Compagnie {f} <Co.> [Handelsgesellschaft]
sports RadioTV co-commentator [Br.]Co-Kommentator {m}
RadioTV co-host [female]Co-Moderatorin {f}
jobs RadioTV co-moderator [female]Co-Moderatorin {f}
lit. F Obelix and Co.Obelix GmbH & Co. KG [Asterix, Ausgabe Nr. 23]
chem. cobalt <Co>Kobalt {n} <Co>
comm. econ. and company <& Co.>& Co.
biochem. co-stimulatory {adj}co-stimulierend
econ. co-chairCo-Vorsitzender {m}
biochem. co-chaperoneCo-Chaperon {n}
pharm. co-crystalCo-Kristall {m}
biol. co-cultureCo-Kultivierung {f}
psych. co-dependentCo-Abhängiger {m}
film jobs co-directorCo-Regisseur {m}
co-hostCo-Gastgeber {m}
co-producerCo-Produzent {m}
mineral. lindackerite-(Co) [CoCu4(AsO4)2(AsO3OH)2·9H2O]Lindackerit-(Co) {m}
chem. carbonyl group <CO group>Karbonylgruppe {f} [Rsv.] <CO-Gruppe>
med. carbon monoxide intoxication <CO intoxication>Kohlenmonoxidintoxikation {f} <CO-Intoxikation>
med. carbon monoxide intoxication <CO intoxication>Kohlenstoffmonoxidintoxikation {f} <CO-Intoxikation>
med. carbon monoxide poisoning <CO poisoning>Kohlenmonoxidvergiftung {f} <CO-Vergiftung>
med. carbon monoxide poisoning <CO poisoning>Kohlenstoffmonoxidvergiftung {f} <CO-Vergiftung>
sociol. Co-Dependents Anonymous <CoDA>Anonyme Co-Abhängige {pl} <CoDA>
Co-Dependents Anonymous <CoDa>Anonyme Co-Abhängige <CoDa>
chem. carbonyl group <CO group>Carbonylgruppe {f} <CO-Gruppe>
chem. carbonyl group <CO group>Ketogruppe {f} <CO-Gruppe>
econ. FoodInd. co-packer [also copacker] [contract packer]Co-Packer {m} [auch: Copacker] [Kontraktpacker]
pol. co-prince [Andorra]Co-Fürst {m} [Andorra]
geogr. Co-pilot GlacierCo-Pilot-Gletscher {m}
tech. carbon monoxide laser <CO laser>Kohlenmonoxidlaser {m} <CO-Laser>
altitudeHöhe {f}
altitudeHöhenlage {f}
geogr. absolute altitudeMeereshöhe {f}
geogr. absolute altitudeSeehöhe {f}
biol. med. altitude acclimatizationHöhenanpassung {f}
med. altitude acclimatizationHöhenreaktion {f}
aviat. altitude alertHöhenunterschreitungsalarm {m}
altitude compensationDruckausgleich {m}
aviat. altitude controlHöhenkontrolle {f}
altitude differenceHöhenunterschied {m}
aviat. tech. altitude displayHöhenanzeige {f}
aviat. altitude flightHöhenflug {m}
med. altitude illnessHöhenkrankheit {f}
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