Dictionary English German: clothing

Translation 1 - 50 of 237  >>

English German
NOUN   clothing | -
VERB  to clothe | clad/clothed | clad/clothed
clothing | clothes
SYNO   article of clothing | clothing ... 
clothing {adj}
cloth. clothing
Kleidung {f}
cloth. clothing
Bekleidung {f}
cloth. clothing {sg}
Klamotten {pl} [ugs.]
cloth. clothing {sg}
Kleidungsstücke {pl} [kollektiv]
cloth. clothing
Anzug {m} [geh.] [veraltend] [Kleidung, optische Erscheinung]
2 Words: Verbs
to remove sb.'s clothingjdn. entkleiden [bes. bewusstlose Person, Toten, Puppe]
2 Words: Nouns
cloth. adequate clothingangemessene Kleidung {f}
cloth. appropriate clothingangemessene Kleidung {f}
cloth. bespoke clothingMaßkleidung {f}
cloth. boys' clothingJungenkleidung {f}
cloth. casual clothingFreizeitbekleidung {f}
cloth. casual clothingzwanglose Bekleidung {f}
cloth. gastr. chef clothingKochkleidung {f}
cloth. child's clothingKinderkleidung {f}
cloth. children's clothingKinderbekleidung {f}
cloth. civilian clothingZivilkleidung {f}
clothing accessories {pl}Bekleidungszubehör {n} [auch {m}]
jobs clothing allowanceKleidergeld {n}
cloth. ecol. clothing bankAltkleidersammelbehälter {m}
cloth. comm. clothing boutiqueKleiderboutique {f}
cloth. market. clothing brandBekleidungsmarke {f}
clothing brandKleidungsmarke {f}
clothing brushKleiderbürste {f}
cloth. ind. clothing business [industry]Bekleidungsbranche {f}
comm. clothing chainBekleidungskette {f}
comm. clothing chainTextilkette {f}
clothing collectionKleidersammlung {f}
cloth. educ. clothing designBekleidungsgestaltung {f} [auch Studiengangsbezeichnung]
clothing donationKleiderspende {f}
clothing driveAltkleidersammlung {f}
educ. textil. clothing engineeringBekleidungstechnik {f}
clothing expense {sg}Ausgaben {pl} für Kleidung
cloth. textil. clothing factoryBekleidungsfabrik {f}
ind. clothing factoryKleiderfabrik {f}
cloth. ind. textil. clothing factoryTextilfabrik {f} [Bekleidungsfabrik]
clothing guidelinesBekleidungsrichtlinien {pl}
ind. textil. clothing industriesBekleidungsindustrien {pl}
cloth. ind. textil. clothing industryBekleidungsindustrie {f}
cloth. comm. clothing lineKleidermarke {f}
clothing lineModelinie {f}
textil. clothing manufactureHerstellung {f} von Kleidung
cloth. ind. clothing manufacturerBekleidungshersteller {m}
cloth. ind. clothing manufacturerKleiderfabrikant {m}
textil. clothing materialKleiderstoff {m}
tech. clothing procedureEinkleiden {n}
cloth. textil. clothing productionBekleidungsherstellung {f}
cloth. textil. clothing productionKleiderproduktion {f}
clothing purposesBekleidungszwecke {pl}
clothing regulationsBekleidungsvorschriften {pl}
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