Dictionary English German: chestnut

Translation 1 - 50 of 496  >>

English German
ADJ   chestnut | - | -
NOUN   a chestnut | chestnuts
SYNO   chestnut | chestnut tree
Kastanie {f}
gastr. chestnut [edible nut of Castanea sativa]
Marone {f} [Frucht der Esskastanie]
equest. chestnut
Fuchs {m} [rotbraunes Pferd]
bot. gastr. T
chestnut [coll.]alte Kamelle {f} [ugs.]
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
2 Words: Others
chestnut (brown) {adj}maronfarbig
chestnut brown {adj}kastanienbraun
chestnut red {adj}kastanienrot
chestnut-coloured {adj} [Br.]kastanienfarben
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. (sweet) chestnut [fruit]Marroni {f} {n} [schweiz.] [Marone, Edelkastanie]
gastr. candied chestnutkandierte Marone {f}
hort. chestnut alleyKastanienallee {f}
chestnut avenue [esp. in street names]Kastanienallee {f}
EU chestnut brown [RAL 8015]Kastanienbraun {n} [RAL 8015]
mining chestnut coal [nuts]Nusskohle {f}
gastr. chestnut flourKastanienmehl {n}
bot. chestnut flowerKastanienblüte {f}
for. chestnut forestKastanienwald {m}
for. chestnut groveKastanienwäldchen {n}
chestnut hairkastanienbraunes Haar {n}
agr. chestnut harvestKastanienernte {f}
bot. chestnut leafKastanienblatt {n}
bot. chestnut leavesKastanienblätter {pl}
equest. zool. chestnut mareFuchsstute {f}
chestnut oilKastanienöl {n}
chestnut plantationKastanienanpflanzung {f}
gastr. chestnut pureeKastanienpüree {n}
jobs chestnut roasterKastanienröster {m}
gastr. jobs chestnut roasterMaronibrater {m} [österr.] [südd.]
econ. chestnut roasterMaronistandler {m} [österr.] [Besitzer eines Maronistandes an belebten Plätzen und Ecken]
gastr. chestnut soupKastaniensuppe {f}
gastr. jobs chestnut vendorMaronibrater {m} [österr.]
chestnut woodKastanienholz {n}
bot. horse chestnutRosskastanie {f} [Frucht]
old chestnutalter Witz {m}
old chestnut [coll.]Kalauer {m} [alter Witz]
old chestnut [coll.]olle Kamelle {f} [ugs.]
gastr. roasted chestnutgeröstete Kastanie {f}
gastr. sweet chestnutKöste {f} [südtirol.: Marone]
bot. sweet chestnut [fruit]Esskastanie {f} [Frucht: Marone]
gastr. sweet chestnut [fruit]Marone {f} [Frucht der Edelkastanie]
gastr. sweet chestnut [fruit]Marroni {f} [schweiz.]
3 Words: Nouns
bur of chestnutstachelige Schale {f} der Kastanie
chestnut-lined avenueKastanienallee {f}
bot. horse chestnut candleKastanienkerze {f} [Blütenstand]
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