Dictionary English German: cheap line

Translation 1 - 50 of 2701  >>

Keywords contained
comm. cheap-line goods {pl}Ware {f} von niedrigem Preis
Partial Matches
sports offensive line <O-line, OL> [American Football]O-Linie {f} <OL> [Offensive Line] [American Football]
mil. distant early warning line <DEW line>Distant Early Warning Line {f} <DEW-Line> [Kette von Radarstationen entlang der US-amerik. und kanadischen Arktis]
cheap {adj} {adv}billig
cheap {adj}kostengünstig
cheap {adj}preisgünstig
cheap {adj}preiswert
cheap {adj}wohlfeil [veraltet]
cheap {adj} [contemptible]gemein
amazingly cheap {adj}erstaunlich billig
bought cheap {past-p}billig erworben
fairly cheap {adj}ziemlich billig
fantastically cheap {adj}erstaunlich billig
incomparably cheap {adj}konkurrenzlos günstig
to buy cheapbillig einkaufen
comm. to buy cheapbillig kaufen
to feel cheapsichAkk. schämen
to feel cheapsichDat. schäbig vorkommen
to feel cheapsich beschämt fühlen
to get cheapbillig erwerben
to sell cheapbillig abgeben
to sell cheapbillig verkaufen
(cheap) showmanshipSchaustellerei {f} [pej.] [Effekthascherei]
aviat. cheap airlineBilligflieger {m} [ugs.] [billige Fluggesellschaft]
cheap articlebilliger Artikel {m}
cheap articleBilligprodukt {n}
cheap brandBilligmarke {f}
cheap buildingbilliges Gebäude {n}
cheap cafebilliges Café {n}
cheap carBilligauto {n} [ugs.]
aviat. cheap carrierBilligflieger {m} [ugs.] [billige Fluggesellschaft]
cheap cigarbillige Zigarre {f}
cheap cigarettebillige Zigarette {f}
cheap conductschäbiges Benehmen {n}
cheap copyAbklatsch {m}
fin. cheap creditbilliger Kredit {m}
fin. cheap creditbilliges Darlehen {n}
cheap daybilliger Tag {m}
cheap editionBilligausgabe {f}
cheap effectbilliger Effekt {m}
cheap entertainmentbillige Unterhaltung {f}
cheap farcebilliger Schwank {m}
transp. cheap farebillige Fahrt {f}
transp. travel TrVocab. cheap fareFahrkarte {f} zum verbilligten Tarif
cheap flatterybillige Schmeichelei {f}
aviat. travel cheap flightBilligflug {m} [ugs.]
cheap glorybilliger Ruhm {m}
cheap goods {pl}billige Ware {f}
comm. cheap goods {pl}Billigware {f}
cheap goods {pl}Ware {f} geringer Qualität
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