Dictionary English German: celebration

Translation 1 - 63 of 63

English German
NOUN1   a celebration | celebrations
NOUN2   celebration | -
SYNO   celebration | festivity | jubilation ... 
celebration [event]
Fest {n} [Veranstaltung]
Feier {f}
celebration [act of celebrating something]
Begehung {f} [geh.] [das Feiern] [eines Jubiläums etc.]
celebration [commemoration]
Jubelfeier {f}
celebration [mass, ritual]
Zelebration {f}
Festivität {f} [schweiz.; sonst nur noch ugs. und hum.: Festlichkeit]
celebration [solemn ceremony]Feierstunde {f} [festliche Veranstaltung]
2 Words: Nouns
relig. Advent celebrationAdventsfeier {f}
alumni celebrationWiedersehensfeier {f}
anniversary (celebration)Jahresfest {n}
anniversary celebrationJahresfeier {f}
anniversary celebrationJubiläumsfeier {f}
annual celebrationJahresfeier {f}
belated celebrationNachfeier {f}
birthday celebrationGeburtstagsfeier {f}
carnival celebrationKarnevalsbrauchtum {n}
centenary (celebration)Säkularfeier {f}
centennial (celebration)100-Jahr-Feier {f}
sports championship celebrationMeisterschaftsfeier {f}
Christmas celebrationWeihnachtsfeier {f}
company celebrationBetriebsfest {n}
company celebrationFirmenfeier {f}
relig. confirmation celebrationEinsegnungsfest {n}
relig. Eucharistic celebrationEucharistiefeier {f}
family celebrationFamilienfeier {f}
family celebrationFamilienfest {n}
farewell celebrationAbschiedsfeier {f}
farewell celebrationAbschiedsfest {n}
global celebrationweltweites Fest {n}
sports goal celebrationTorjubel {m}
graduation celebrationAbsolventenfeier {f}
great celebrationgroße Feier {f}
millennium celebrationJahrtausendfeier {f}
opening celebrationEröffnungsfeier {f}
preliminary celebrationVorfeier {f}
myth. relig. solstice celebration [summer or winter]Sonnenwendfeier {f}
victory celebrationSiegesfeier {f}
wedding celebrationHochzeitsfeier {f}
3 Words: Others
in celebration of {prep}anlässlich [+Gen.]
in celebration ofzur Feier [+Gen.]
3 Words: Verbs
to arrange a celebrationein Fest aufziehen [ugs.] [arrangieren]
to have a celebrationfeiern
3 Words: Nouns
cause for celebrationGrund {m} zur Freude
celebration in advanceFeier {f} im Voraus
celebration of ChristmasFeier {f} des Weihnachtsfestes
celebration of marriageEheschließung {f}
celebration of peaceFriedensfeier {f}
relig. celebration of ShabbatSabbatfeier {f}
relig. celebration of SundaySonntagsfeier {f}
relig. Corpus Christi celebrationFronleichnamsfeier {f}
May Day celebrationMaifeier {f}
New Year's celebrationNeujahrsfeier {f}
school enrollment celebrationEinschulungsfeier {f}
4 Words: Nouns
relig. (celebration of the) MassMessfeier {f}
sports celebration of a goalTorjubel {m}
celebration of honorary citizenshipEhrenbürgerfeier {f}
celebration of Midsummer NightSonnenwendfeier {f}
relig. celebration of the EucharistEucharistiefeier {f}
celebration of the revolutionRevolutionsfeier {f}
end-of-winter celebrationWinteraustreiben {n}
5+ Words: Others
This calls for a celebration.Das muss gefeiert werden.
5+ Words: Verbs
to become a day of celebrationzu einem Feiertag werden
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F The Celebration [Thomas Vinterberg]Das Fest
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