Dictionary English German: castle

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NOUN   a castle | castles
VERB  to castle | castled | castled ... 
SYNO   castle | castling | rook | palace
castle {adj} [attr.] [referring to a fortified castle, typically of the medieval period]
games to castle [chess]
games to castle [chess]die Rochade ausführen
archi. hist. castle [fortified, esp. of the medieval period]
Burg {f}
archi. castle [magnificent mansion, palace, esp. in names]
Schloss {n} [Gebäude]
archi. mil. castle [fortress]
Festung {f}
games castle [chess] [dated]
Turm {m} [Schach]
archi. hist. mil. castle [built to besiege an enemy castle]
Trutzburg {f}
archi. mil. castle
Kastell {n}
archi. castleFeste {f} [Burgfeste] [veraltet]
2 Words: Others
oenol. castle bottled [wine / champagne label]Schlossabfüllung [Etikettaufschrift]
archi. castle-like {adj} [palace-like]schlossähnlich
2 Words: Nouns
archi. (castle) dungeonBurgverlies {n}
(knight's) castleRittersitz {m} [Ritterburg]
archi. TrVocab. Alanya CastleBurg {f} von Alanya
archi. TrVocab. Ambras CastleSchloss {n} Ambras
archi. ancestral castleStammburg {f}
archi. ancestral castleStammveste {f} [veraltet] [Stammsitz]
archi. ancient castlealte Burg {f}
hist. bishop's castleBischofspfalz {f}
toys bouncer castleHüpfburg {f}
toys bouncer castleHüpfschloss {n} [seltener für: Hüpfburg]
bouncy castle [Br.]Hüpfburg {f}
castle areaSchlossbezirk {m}
castle area [area of a fortified castle, typically of the medieval period]Burgareal {n}
castle area [area of a fortified castle, typically of the medieval period]Burggelände {n}
RealEst. castle area [palace area]Schlossareal {n}
castle balconySchlossbalkon {m}
castle balconySchloßbalkon {m} [alt]
archi. castle basementSchlosskeller {m}
archi. jobs castle builderSchlossbaumeister {m}
archi. castle buildingBurggebäude {n}
castle building [building activity]Burgenbau {m}
archi. castle chapelBurgkapelle {f}
archi. castle chapel [palace chapel]Schlosskapelle {f}
archi. castle churchSchlosskirche {f}
archi. relig. castle church [of a fortified castle, typically of the medieval period]Burgkirche {f}
archi. castle complex [of a fortified castle, typically of the medieval period]Burganlage {f}
archi. castle complex [palace complex]Schlossanlage {f} [Gesamtanlage]
archi. castle courtyard [of a fortified castle, typically of the medieval period]Burghof {m}
archi. castle courtyard [palace courtyard]Schlosshof {m}
castle crestBurgwappen {n}
jobs castle custodian [female]Schlosswartin {f}
urban castle district [of a town]Burgviertel {n} [einer Stadt]
urban castle district [of a town]Schlossviertel {n} [einer Stadt]
archi. castle ditchBurggraben {m}
castle entrance [entrance of a fortified castle, typically of the medieval period]Burgeingang {m}
castle entrance [palace entrance]Schlosseingang {m}
agr. castle estateSchlossgut {n}
castle fireBurgbrand {m}
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