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| cast {adj} {past-p} | 1360 gegossen | |
| film theatre cast {adj} {past-p} | 886 besetzt | |
| sb./sth. cast [threw] | 148 jd./etw. warf | |
| film theatre sb. cast | 104 jd. besetzte | |
| tech. sb. cast | 52 jd. goss | |
Verbs |
| to cast | 1703 werfen [bes. literarisch, bibl.] | |
| tech. to cast | 1219 gießen | |
| film theatre to cast | 1217 besetzen | |
| to cast [a vote] | 747 abgeben [eine Stimme bei einer Wahl] | |
| to cast [angling, fishing] | 535 auswerfen | |
| comp. to cast [data types] | 465 umwandeln [Datentypen] | |
| to cast | 381 aufgießen [beim Guss] | |
| tech. to cast | 350 vergießen | |
| to cast sth. [by pouring into a mould] | 52 etw.Akk. abformen [gießen] | |
| film RadioTV theatre to cast sb. | 44 jdn. casten | |
| hunting orn. to cast [(of birds of prey) to eject indigestible parts] | wöllen [(von Raubvögeln) das Gewölle auswerfen] | |
| film theatre to cast sb. | jdm. eine Rolle geben | |
Nouns |
| med. cast [short for: plaster cast] | 2233 Gips {m} [kurz für: Gipsverband] | |
| film theatre RadioTV cast [set of actors] | 1220 Besetzung {f} | |
| med. cast | 373 Gipsverband {m} | |
| art dent. tech. cast | 230 Abguss {m} | |
| film theatre cast | 161 Rollenbesetzung {f} | |
| material cast | 137 Guss {m} [Gussstück] | |
| cast | 131 Gestalt {f} | |
| acc. cast | 122 Saldierung {f} | |
| theatre cast | 106 Mitwirkende {pl} | |
| theatre cast | 76 Rollenverteilung {f} | |
| cast | 68 Wurf {m} | |
| film cast | 54 Filmbesetzung {f} | |
| cast [character] | 51 Eigenart {f} [fig.] | |
| cast [of the mind] | 48 Neigung {f} [fig.] | |
| cast [container, shape, appearance] | 43 Form {f} | |
| cast [tinge] | 40 Schimmer {m} [Farbschimmer] | |
| cast | 33 Abguß {m} [alt] | |
| art cast | 33 Abklatsch {m} | |
| spec. cast | 27 Manschette {f} | |
| material cast [object made in a mould] | 23 Gussstück {n} | |
| spec. cast | 18 Zylinder {m} | |
| cast | 14 Gipseinfassung {f} | |
| material cast [object made in a mould] | 11 Gußstück {n} [alt] | |
| games cast [role-playing games] | 11 Zauber {m} [Rollenspiele] | |
| orn. cast | 8 Gewölle {n} | |
| RadioTV cast | 7 Serienbesetzung {f} | |
| film cast | 5 Cast {m} {f} | |
| dent. material tech. cast [e.g. blank, concrete, filling, iron, metal, part, plate] | 5 Guss- [gegossen] [z. B. Rohling, Beton, Füllung, Eisen, Metall, Teil, Platte] | |
| theatre cast | Besetzung {f} des Stücks / Stückes | |
| med. cast [strabismus] | Strabismus {m} | |
2 Words: Others |
| cast aluminium {adj} [Br.] [attr.] | aus Aluminiumguss [nachgestellt] | |
| cast aluminum {adj} [Am.] [attr.] | aus Aluminiumguss [nachgestellt] | |
| cast down {adj} {past-p} | niedergeschlagen [deprimiert] | |