Dictionary English German: cash based

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cash-based {adj}bar
cash-based {adj}pagatorisch
cash-based transactionsbarer Zahlungsvorgang {m}
cash-based accountingEinnahmen- und Ausgabenrechnung {f}
Partial Matches
fin. operating cash flowCash-Flow {m} aus (laufender / der operativen) Geschäftstätigkeit
fin. cash-flow cycleCash-Flow-Zyklus {m} [auch: Cashflow-Zyklus]
future cash flowin der Zukunft liegender Cash Flow {m}
fin. expected cash-flow approacherwarteter Cash-Flow-Ansatz {m}
econ. fin. stochastic cash-flow processstochastischer Cash-Flow-Prozess {m}
film F Tango & Cash [Andrei Kontschalowski]Tango und Cash
cash {adv}cash [ugs.]
cashCash {n} [ugs.]
fin. cash-flow analysisCash-flow-Analyse {f}
spec. electronic cash <e-cash>Electronic Cash {n} <E-Cash>
chem. polyurethan-based {adj} <PU-based>auf Polyurethan-Basis <auf PU-Basis> [nachgestellt]
comp. educ. tech. computer-based training <CBT>Computer Based Training {n} <CB-Training, CBT>
comp. educ. tech. computer-based training <CBT>Computer-Based-Training {n} <CB-Training, CBT>
fin. cash {adj}bar
to casheinkassieren
fin. to casheinlösen
to cashkassieren
fin. cashBargeld {n}
cashBarzahlung {f}
econ. cash cowCash Cow {f}
fin. cash flowCash-Flow {m}
cash settlementCash-Settlement {n}
based {adj} {past-p}basiert
based {adj}basisbezogen
based {past-p}gegründet
cashbares Geld {n}
cash-free {adj}bargeldlos
cash-hungry {adj}geldhungrig
cash-rich {adj}bargeldreich
econ. cash-rich {adj}kapitalkräftig
no cash {adj}bargeldlos
non-cash {adj}bargeldlos
fin. non-cash {adj}unbar
fin. to cash ineinlösen
to cash outauszahlen
to cash upabkassieren
(cash) discountSkonto {n} {m}
comm. (cash) discount {pl}Skonti {pl}
comm. (cash) discount {pl}Skontos {pl}
econ. fin. (cash) infusionGeldspritze {f}
available cashBarliquidität {f}
available cashBarmittel {pl}
fin. cash accountGeldkonto {n}
cash accountKassakonto {n}
cash accountKassenkonto {n}
acc. cash accountingKassenbuchführung {f}
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