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| to case sth. | 424 etw.Akk. einschließen | |
| to case | 105 verkleiden | |
| to case sth. [coll.] | 87 inspizieren [sich ansehen] | |
| to case | 53 ummanteln | |
Nouns |
| case [issue, affair, cause] [also ling., law, med.] | 2343 Fall {m} [Sache] [auch ling., law., med.] | |
| case [wooden box] | 900 Kiste {f} [Behälter] | |
| case [container] | 810 Behälter {m} | |
| travel case | 548 Koffer {m} | |
| case [matter, issue] | 366 Angelegenheit {f} | |
| case [small box, receptacle] | 340 Etui {n} | |
| case [situation] | 188 Lage {f} [Situation] | |
| case [cabinet] | 157 Schrein {m} | |
| law case | 152 Prozess {m} | |
| law ling. case | 139 Kasus {m} | |
| case [circumstance] | 126 Umstand {m} | |
| case [fact] | 116 Tatsache {f} | |
| law case [lawsuit] | 98 Klage {f} [Zivilrecht] | |
| comp. case | 94 Computergehäuse {n} | |
| case [situation] | 78 Situation {f} | |
| case [encasement] | 76 Gehäuse {n} | |
| case [box, esp. wooden box] | 74 Kasten {m} [Kiste] | |
| law case | 73 Rechtsfall {m} | |
| print case | 70 Fach {n} | |
| case [cover, mantle] | 70 Hülle {f} | |
| case [issue, affair, cause] | 63 Sache {f} | |
| case [box] | 53 Schachtel {f} | |
| law case | 52 Streitfall {m} | |
| law case | 51 Causa {f} [österr.] | |
| law case | 42 Anlassfall {m} [österr.] | |
| law case | 40 Rechtssache {f} | |
| case [shell, capsule etc.] | 40 Hülse {f} | |
| travel case [suitcase] | 27 Reisekoffer {m} | |
| med. case | 20 Krankheitsfall {m} | |
| case [sheath] | 20 Futteral {n} | |
| ling. case [capital or small letter] | 19 Buchstabe {m} [Groß- oder Kleinbuchstabe] | |
| case [casing, frame] | 17 Zarge {f} [Tür / Fenster] | |
| ling. case [initial capital or small letter] | 11 [Groß- oder Kleinbuchstabe] | |
| ling. case [accusative, etc.] | Casus {m} [Kasus] | |
| biol. entom. case [pupal case] | Larvensack {m} | |
2 Words: Others |
| law Case dismissed! | Klage abgewiesen! | |
| comp. case insensitive {adj} [also: case-insensitive] | schreibungsunabhängig [selten] [Groß- und Kleinschreibung] | |
| comp. case sensitive {adj} [also case-sensitive] | schreibungsabhängig | |
| case-based {adj} | fallbasiert | |
| entom. case-bearing {adj} [Trichoptera larvae] | köchertragend [bei Köcherfliegenlarven] | |
| case-controlled {adj} | fallkontrolliert | |
| material tech. case-hardened {adj} | gehärtet | |
| case-hardened {adj} [fig.] | abgebrüht [ugs.] | |
| acad. case-oriented {adj} | fallorientiert | |
| case-related {adj} | fallbezogen | |
| case-relevant {adj} | fallrelevant | |