Dictionary English German: cars

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NOUN   a car | cars
Autos {pl}
automot. rail cars
Wagen {pl}
Wägen {pl} [österr.] [südd.] [Wagen]
Pkws {pl}
2 Words: Verbs
automot. to change carsden Wagen wechseln
to produce carsAutos herstellen
to produce carsAutos produzieren
to produce carsKraftfahrzeuge herstellen [bes. amtsspr.]
2 Words: Nouns
junk carsSchrottkarren {pl} [ugs.]
parked carsparkende Autos {pl}
passenger carsPkw {pl}
passenger carsPkws {pl}
rail rail cars [Am.]Schienenfahrzeuge {pl}
automot. ind. scrap carsSchrottautos {pl}
automot. sports carsSportwagen {pl}
used carsGebrauchtautos {pl}
automot. used carsGebrauchtwagen {pl}
veteran cars [Br.]Oldtimer {pl} [vor 1919 gebaut, genauer vor 1905]
3 Words: Others
cars for hireAutos zu mieten
nuts about cars {adj} [coll.]autobesessen
nuts about cars {adj} [coll.]autoverrückt
nuts about cars {adj} [coll.]autoversessen
3 Words: Nouns
all the carsalle Fahrzeuge {pl}
traffic TrVocab. ban on carsAutosperre {f}
relig. blessing of carsAutosegnung {f}
fleet (of cars)Fahrzeugpark {m}
transp. fleet of carsFuhrpark {m}
automot. transp. fleet of carsKraftfahrzeugflotte {f}
fleet of carsWagenpark {m}
line of cars [Am.]Autoschlange {f}
traffic line of cars [Am.]Kolonne {f} [Wagenkolonne]
automot. non-running carsdefekte Automobile {pl}
queue of cars [Br.]Autoschlange {f}
automot. law smuggling of carsAutoschmuggel {m}
tax on carsKraftfahrzeugsteuer {f}
tax on carsKfz-Steuer {f}
transp. transportation of carsAutotransport {m} [Transport von Autos]
4 Words: Others
Cars jam the streets.Autos verstopfen die Straßen.
4 Words: Verbs
to be sandwiched between carszwischen Autos eingeklemmt sein
to deal in used carsmit gebrauchten Fahrzeugen handeln
4 Words: Nouns
a string of carseine Reihe {f} Wagen
cars of all kindsAutos {pl} aller Art
cars of all makesAutos {pl} aller Hersteller
automot. comm. jobs dealer in used carsGebrauchtwagenhändler {m}
dealing in stolen carsAutoschieberei {f}
misuse of motor carsKraftfahrzeugmissbrauch {m}
traffic pile-up of cars [coll.]Massenkarambolage {f} von Fahrzeugen
transp. solid line of cars [in a traffic jam]Blechlawine {f} [ugs.]
5+ Words: Others
Cars are his sole passion.Autos sind seine einzige Leidenschaft.
Cars must not be parked.Autos dürfen nicht geparkt werden.
New cars don't come cheap. [coll.]Neue Autos sind nicht ganz billig.
The streets are full of parked cars.Die Straßen sind zugeparkt. [ugs.]
There were hardly any cars on the street.Es waren kaum Autos auf der Straße.
5+ Words: Verbs
to apply a tax to used carsGebrauchtwagen besteuern
5+ Words: Nouns
med. compensatory anti-inflammatory response syndrome <CARS>kompensatorisches anti-inflammatorisches Response-Syndrom {n}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Cars [Pixar]Cars
film F Riding in Cars with Boys [Penny Marshall]Unterwegs mit Jungs
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