Dictionary English German: carrying into action

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Partial Matches
carrying into effectDurchführung {f}
carrying into executionAusführung {f}
to bring into actioneinsetzen
to spring into actionaktiv werden
to be called into actionzum Einsatz kommen
to bring sth. into actionetw. in Bewegung bringen
to go into action [idiom]in Aktion treten [Redewendung]
to spur sb. into actionjdn. zum Handeln auffordern
to spur sb. into actionjdn. zum Handeln bewegen
to sting sb. into actionjdn. aktiv werden lassen
mil. to bring troops into actionTruppen ins Gefecht führen
to bring sth. into actionetw.Akk. zum Tragen bringen
to go into action [humanitarian aid]einen Einsatz machen [Katastrophenhilfe]
to put sth. into actionetw.Akk. in Betrieb bringen
to put sth. into actionetw.Akk. in Betrieb setzen
to galvanize sb. into action [fig.]jdn. veranlassen, sofort zu handeln
to put sth. into actionetw.Akk. in die Tat umsetzen
to swing into action [idiom](sofort) in Aktion treten [Redewendung] [loslegen]
to translate sth. into actionetw.Akk. in die Tat umsetzen
to turn rhetoric into action [fig.]den Worten Taten folgen lassen
mil. to put sb./sth. into actionjdn./etw. in einem Gefecht einsetzen
to bring sth. into action [a device]etw.Akk. zum Gehen bringen [ugs.]
to provoke sb. into a course of actionjdn. zu einer Handlung provozieren
mil. to put sb./sth. into action [put into combat]jdn./etw. in das Gefecht einführen
Put your plan into action!Setze deinen Plan um!
to put a plan into actioneinen Plan in die Tat umsetzen
action-packed {adj}mit Action vollgepackt
action-packed {adj}voller Action [nachgestellt]
pol. political action committee <PAC> [Am.]Political Action Committee {n} [private politische Organisation zur Mobilisierung für Kandidaten oder Anliegen]
after-action report <AAR>After-Action-Report {m} [Einsatzbericht, zusammenfassender Bericht über das Erreichte bzw. Nichterreichte]
transp. carryingBeförderung {f}
carryingTransport {m}
film F Action Jackson [Craig R. Baxley]Action Jackson
carrying {adj} {pres-p} [transmitting]übertragend
carrying alongmitreißend
carrying awaydavontragend
carrying off {adj}wegraffend
carrying onbetreibend
carrying togetherzusammentragend
electr. current-carrying {adj}stromführend
mineral. diamond-carrying {adj}diamanthaltig
gas-carrying {adj}gasführend
mil. missile-carrying {adj}raketenbestückt
biol. oxygen-carrying {adj}sauerstofftragend
spec. oxygen-carrying {adj}sauerstoffübertragend
fin. carrying amountBuchwert {m}
tech. carrying axleLaufachse {f}
carrying axleTragachse {f}
carrying bagTragetasche {f}
engin. carrying bracketStützhülse {f}
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