Dictionary English German: carbon

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NOUN1   a carbon | carbons
NOUN2   carbon | -
SYNO   carbon | carbon copy | carbon paper ... 
NOUN   das Carbon | -
Kohle {f}
chem. carbon <C>
Kohlenstoff {m} <C>
carbon [copy]
Durchschlag {m}
geol. carbon
Karbon {n}
art carbon
Kohlestift {m}
material carbon [fiber / fibre]
Carbon {n}
phys. radiocarbon [also: radio carbon] <carbon-14, C-14, 14C>Radiokohlenstoff {m} <Carbon-14, C-14, 14C>
2 Words: Others
carbon black {adj}kohlenschwarz
carbon-bonded {adj}kohlenstoffgebunden
chem. carbon-containing {adj}kohlenstoffhaltig
carbon-free {adj}kohlenstofffrei
chem. carbon-like {adj}kohlenstoffartig
ecol. carbon-neutral {adj}CO2-neutral
chem. carbon-rich {adj}kohlenstoffreich
chem. high-carbon {adj} [attr.]kohlenstoffreich
chem. low-carbon {adj} [attr.]kohlenstoffarm
ecol. low-carbon {adj} [attr.]CO2-arm
2 Words: Nouns
electr. tech. (carbon) brushMotorkohle {f} [Kohlebürste, Schleifkohle]
electr. tech. (carbon) brushSchleifkohle {f}
activated carbonAbsorptionskohle {f}
activated carbonAktivkohle {f}
chem. activated carbonAktivkohlenstoff {m}
pharm. activated carbon [Carbo medicinalis]medizinische Kohle {f}
active carbonAktivkohle {f}
chem. alpha carbonAlpha-Kohlenstoff {m}
chem. beta carbonBeta-Kohlenstoff {m}
biochem. biogenic carbonbiogener Kohlenstoff {m}
chem. carbon allotropeKohlenstoffallotrop {n}
chem. carbon amountKohlenstoffmenge {f}
audio hist. carbon amplifier [hearing aid]Kohleverstärker {m} [Hörgerät]
chem. carbon arcKohlebogen {m}
electr. carbon arcKohle-Lichtbogen {m}
chem. carbon atomKohlenstoffatom {n}
chem. carbon atomsKohlenstoffatome {pl}
ecol. carbon balanceKohlendioxidbilanz {f}
agr. ecol. for. carbon balanceKohlenstoffbilanz {f}
ecol. carbon balanceKohlenstoffhaushalt {m}
chem. carbon bisulfide [Am.] [carbon disulfide] [CS2]Kohlenstoffdisulfid {n}
chem. carbon bisulphide [Br.] [carbon disulphide] [CS2]Kohlenstoffdisulfid {n}
carbon blackIndustrieruß {m}
carbon blackKohlenschwarz {n}
carbon blackPigmentruß {m}
chem. carbon blackRuß {m}
FoodInd. carbon black [E-153] [from vegetable sources]Pflanzenkohle {f}
carbon blacksPigmentruße {pl}
chem. carbon blacksRuße {pl}
carbon blockKohleblock {m}
electr. carbon brushKohlebürste {f}
electr. carbon brushesKohlebürsten {pl}
electr. carbon brushesKohlen {pl} [Kohlebürsten]
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