Dictionary English German: calibre

Translation 1 - 13 of 13

English German
NOUN   a calibre | calibres
SYNO   caliber | calibre | quality | bore ... 
calibre [Br.]
Qualität {f}
weapons calibre [Br.]
Kaliber {n} <Kal.>
calibre [Br.]
Format {n}
calibre [Br.]
Zuschnitt {m} [fig.] [Kaliber]
weapons calibre [Br.]Seelendurchmesser {m}
calibre [Br.]Bohrweite {f} des Geschützes
2 Words
weapons large-calibre {adj} [also: large calibre] [attr.] [Br.]Großkaliber-
weapons small calibre {adj} [attr.] [Br.]Kleinkaliber-
weapons small-calibre {adj} [attr.] [Br.]kleinkalibrig
weapons sub-calibre {adj} [Br.]Kleinkaliber-
3 Words
weapons fire arm calibre [Br.]Waffenkaliber {n}
5+ Words
a man of high calibre [Br.]ein Mann {m} von Format
idiom a man of his calibre [Br.]ein Mann {m} seines Kalibers
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