Dictionary English German: calf's snout

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gastr. calf's brainKalbshirn {n}
gastr. zool. calf's footKalbsfuß {m}
gastr. calf's headKalbskopf {m}
gastr. calf's heartKalbsherz {n}
calf's kidneyKalbsniere {f}
gastr. calf's liverKalbsleber {f}
gastr. calf's sweetbreadKalbsbries {n}
gastr. calf's sweetbreadMilken {m} [schweiz.]
gastr. calf's sweetbreadsKalbsbries {pl}
gastr. calf's sweetbreads {pl}Kalbsmilch {f}
gastr. calf's tongueKalbszunge {f}
gastr. calf's trotterKalbsfuß {m}
hist. mil. boar's snout[Formation von Fußtruppen in Keilform, um eine Verteidigungskette zu durchstoßen]
dog's snoutHundeschnauze {f}
gastr. pig's snoutSchweinerüssel {m}
zool. pig's snoutSchweineschnauze {f} [Rüssel]
med. to pull one's calfsichDat. die Wade zerren
gastr. calf's liver parfaitKalbsleberparfait {n}
gastr. calf's liver sausageKalbsleberwurst {f}
zool. T
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med. Gordon's (calf) reflex [also: Gordon reflex]Wadenreflex {m} [Gordon-Reflex]
zool. T
zool. calfKalb {n}
anat. calfSura {f} [Wade]
anat. calfWadl {n} [bayer.] [österr.] [ugs.] [Wade]
snoutSchnauze {f}
anat. calf [Sura]Wade {f}
libr. publ. calf-bound {adj} {past-p}in Kalbsleder gebunden [Bücher]
cloth. calf-length {adj}wadenlang
agr. zool. in calf {adj}trächtig [Kuh]
to cast calfvorzeitig kälbern [österr.] [südd.]
zool. baby calfkleines Kalb {n}
agr. zool. bull calfStierkalb {n}
zool. bull-calfBullenkalb {n}
geogr. geol. calf (ice)Kalbeis {n}
agr. calf barnKälberstall {m}
med. calf contusionWadenprellung {f}
agr. calf herdKälbergruppe {f}
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