Dictionary English German: by effect

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SEE ALSO  byeffect
by-effectNebenwirkung {f}
Partial Matches
astron. Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect <SZ effect>Sunjajew-Seldowitsch-Effekt {m}
optics linear electro-optic effect <LEO effect>linearer elektrooptischer Effekt {m}
optics quadratic electro-optic effect <QEO effect>quadratischer elektrooptischer Effekt {m}
electr. colossal magnetoresistance effect <CMR effect>kolossaler magnetoresistiver Effekt {m}
chem. phys. induction effect <I-effect>Induktionswirkung {f}
electr. tunnel magnetoresistance effect <TMR effect>Tunnelmagnetowiderstandseffekt {m} <TMR-Effekt> [auch: Tunnelmagnetwiderstandseffekt]
film F The Butterfly Effect [Eric Bress, J. Mackye Gruber]Butterfly Effect
MedTech. blood oxygenation level dependent effect <BOLD effect>BOLD-Effekt {m}
chem. electromeric effect <M effect>Mesomerieeffekt {m} <M-Effekt>
chem. phys. induction effect <I effect>Induktionseffekt {m} <I-Effekt>
chem. mesomeric effect <M effect>Mesomerieeffekt {m} <M-Effekt>
chem. resonance effect <M effect>Mesomerieeffekt {m} <M-Effekt>
electr. colossal magnetoresistance effect <CMR effect>CMR-Effekt {m}
electr. giant magnetoresistance effect <GMR effect>GMR-Effekt {m}
film F The Butterfly Effect 2 [John R. Leonetti]Butterfly Effect 2
by-passed by history {adj} {past-p} [postpos.]von der Geschichte übergangen
math. by threes {adv} <by 3's, by 3s> [in steps of three / 3]in Dreierschritten
chem. electromeric effect <M effect>mesomerer Effekt {m} <M-Effekt>
chem. electromeric effect <M effect>Mesomerie-Effekt {m} <M-Effekt>
chem. mesomeric effect <M effect>mesomerer Effekt {m} <M-Effekt>
chem. mesomeric effect <M effect>Mesomerie-Effekt {m} <M-Effekt>
chem. resonance effect <M effect>mesomerer Effekt {m} <M-Effekt>
chem. resonance effect <M effect>Mesomerie-Effekt {m} <M-Effekt>
drive-by [coll.] [drive-by shooting]Drive-by-Shooting {n}
stand-by time [mobile phone etc.]Stand-by-Zeit {f}
astron. astronau fly-by maneuver [Am.]Fly-By-Manöver {n}
film F Stand by Me [Rob Reiner]Stand by MeDas Geheimnis eines Sommers
to effectbewerkstelligen
to effectdurchführen
to effecterbringen
to effecterwirken
to effectherbeiführen
effectAuswirkung {f}
effectEffekt {m}
effectEinfluss {m}
effectEinwirkung {f}
effectErgebnis {n}
effectFolge {f}
effectWirkung {f}
effectWirkungsweise {f}
film special effectSpecial Effect {m}
stand-by creditStand-by-Kredit {m}
to effectzustande bringen
to effectzustandebringen [alt]
effectEindruck {m} [Wirkung]
effect-seeking {adj}effektheischend
in effect {adv}faktisch
in effect {adv}tatsächlich
without effect {adj} {adv}wirkungslos
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