Dictionary English German: bring forth

Translation 1 - 50 of 1083  >>

SYNO   to beget | to bring forth ... 
Keywords contained
to bring fortherbringen
to bring fortherzeugen
to bring forthhervorbringen
to bring forthzeitigen [geh.]
to bring forth sth.etw.Akk. voranbringen
to bring forth sth.etw. verkünden
to bring forth sth.etw. vortragen
to bring forth lambsLämmer gebären
idiom to bring forth good fruitsgute Werke vollbringen
to bring sb. forth [archaic or literary]jdn. gebären
bibl. quote And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, ... [Gen 1:11] [KJV]Und Gott sprach: Es lasse die Erde aufgehen Gras und Kraut, das Samen bringe ... [1. Mose 1,11] [Luther 2017]
Partial Matches
forth {adv}heraus
forth {adv}hervor
forth {adv}voran
breaking forth {adj} {pres-p}hervorbrechend
breaking forth {adj} {pres-p}losbrechend
to belch forthausstoßen
to blazon forthherausstreichen
to blossom forthweiterblühen
to bluster forthheraussprudeln
to break forthempordringen
to break forthhervorbrechen
to break forthlosbrechen
to break forthsich plötzlich erheben
to burst forthhervorbrechen
to burst forthhervorsprudeln
to call forthherbeirufen
to call forthhervorbringen
to call forthhervorrufen
to call forthwecken
to cast forthaussenden
to cast forthausstrahlen
to come forthherauskommen
to come forthhervorkommen
to conjure forthhervorzaubern
to drag forthhervorzerren
to flow (forth)hervorströmen
to go forthhingehen
to gush (forth)hervorströmen
to hold fortheine Rede schwingen [ugs.]
to pour (forth)hervorströmen
to put forthhervorbringen
to send forthfortschicken
to send forthhervorbringen
to shadow forthdunkel andeuten
to shoot forthsprossen
to speak forthfrei heraussagen
to step forthhervortreten
to stream (forth)hervorströmen
to venture forthsich hinauswagen
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