Dictionary English German: bosom

Translation 1 - 34 of 34

English German
NOUN   a bosom | bosoms
SYNO   bosom | embrace | heart | to bosom ... 
to bosom
to bosom sth.etw. am Herzen tragen
Busen {m}
Brust {f}
bosom [fig.] [literary] [loving care and protection, e.g. in the bosom of the family]
Schoß {m} [fig.] [geh.] [Geborgenheit, z. B. im Schoß der Familie]
bosom [fig.] [archaic]
Herz {n} [fig.]
2 Words: Nouns
bibl. Abraham's bosomAbrahams Schoß {m}
bosom buddyBusenfreund {m}
bosom buddy [female]Busenfreundin {f}
bosom companionBusenfreund {m}
bosom enemy [ironic]Busenfeind {m} [ironisch]
bosom friendBusenfreund {m}
bosom friend [female]Busenfreundin {f} [eher ironisch; auch Intimfeindin]
bosom friendshipBusenfreundschaft {f}
bosom girlfriendBusenfreundin {f} [eher ironisch; auch Intimfeindin]
bosom grabberBusengrapscher {m} [ugs.]
bosom pal [coll.]Busenfreund {m} [meist ironisch]
bosom pal [female]Busenfreundin {f}
bosom-grabberBusengrapscher {m} [ugs.]
floppy bosomHängebusen {m}
girl's bosomMädchenbusen {m}
sagging bosomHängebusen {m}
3 Words: Others
idiom in nature's bosom {adv}am Busen der Natur
4 Words: Others
They are bosom buddies. [coll.] [idiom]Sie sind ein Herz und eine Seele. [Redewendung]
4 Words: Verbs
to clasp sb./sth. to one's bosomjdn./etw. ans Herz drücken [geh.]
to clasp to one's bosomin die Arme schließen
4 Words: Nouns
idiom bosom of the familySchoß {m} der Familie
5+ Words: Others
She has an ample bosom. [coll.]Sie hat eine beachtliche Oberweite. [ugs.]
relig. taken away to the bosom of Abrahamin Abrahams Schoß gebracht [fig.]
5+ Words: Verbs
to cherish a snake in one's bosom [idiom]eine Natter am Busen nähren [Redewendung]
to cherish a snake in one's bosom [idiom]eine Schlange am Busen nähren [geh.] [Redewendung]
to nurture / nurse a viper in one's bosom [literary] [idiom]eine Natter am Busen nähren [geh.] [Redewendung]
to nurture a viper in one's bosom [idiom]eine Schlange am Busen nähren [Redewendung]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
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