Dictionary English German: bombshell

Translation 1 - 14 of 14

English German
NOUN   a bombshell | bombshells
SYNO   bombshell | thunderbolt | thunderclap
bombshell [fig.] [sensation]
Paukenschlag {m} [fig.]
bombshell [coll.] [very attractive woman]
Sexbombe {f} [ugs.]
mil. bombshell
Bombe {f}
bombshell [coll.] [very attractive woman]
Granate {f} [ugs.] [Sexbombe]
bombshell [fig.] [unexpected and surprising event]
Knalleffekt {m} [ugs.]
bombshell [fig.]
Bombe {f} [fig.] [plötzliche Überraschung]
2 Words
blonde bombshell [coll.]blondes Gift {n} [ugs.] [sexuell attraktive Blondine]
3 Words
like a bombshell {adv}granatenmäßig [ugs.]
to drop a bombshell [fig.] [idiom]die Bombe platzen lassen [fig.] [Redewendung]
4 Words
to drop a / the bombshell [idiom]eine / die Bombe platzen lassen [Redewendung]
5+ Words
idiom It came like a bombshell.Es schlug wie eine Bombe ein.
This news was a bombshell.Die Nachricht schlug ein wie eine Bombe.
to come as a (real) bombshell [coll.] [idiom]wie eine Bombe einschlagen
to come as a real bombshell [coll.] [idiom]einen Knalleffekt haben [ugs.]
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