Dictionary English German: blackberry

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NOUN   a blackberry | blackberries
SYNO   blackberry | blackberry bush
bot. gastr. T
Crackberry [Am.] [hum.] [coll.] [nickname for a Blackberry smart phone]Blackberry {n}
2 Words: Nouns
telecom. Blackberry (phone) [BlackBerry®]Blackberry {m} [auch {n}] [BlackBerry®]
bot. blackberry bushBrombeerbusch {m}
bot. blackberry bushBrombeergestrüpp {n}
bot. blackberry bushBrombeerstrauch {m}
bot. blackberry bushesBrombeersträucher {pl}
pol. blackberry coalition [coalition of CDU/CSU, SPD and BSW in Germany]Brombeerkoalition {f} [Deutschland]
bot. blackberry flowersBrombeerblüten {pl}
gastr. blackberry jamBrombeerenkonfitüre {f}
gastr. blackberry jamBrombeermarmelade {f}
gastr. blackberry juiceBrombeersaft {m}
gastr. blackberry liqueurBrombeerlikör {m}
oenol. spec. blackberry prunt [e.g. on a wine glass]Brombeernuppe {f} [z. B. am Weinglas]
gastr. blackberry pureeBrombeermark {n}
gastr. blackberry sauceBrombeersauce {f}
gastr. blackberry sauceBrombeersoße {f}
gastr. blackberry teaBrombeertee {m}
med. neol. Blackberry thumb [BlackBerry® thumb] [a form of repetitive strain injury]Blackberry-Daumen {m} [BlackBerry®-Daumen]
EU pearl blackberry [RAL 4012]Perlbrombeer {n} [RAL 4012]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
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