Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: bist

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» Nur in dieser Sprache suchen

VERB  sein | war | gewesen ... 
[you] are
[du] bist
[thou] art [archaic]
[du] bist
[thou] be'st [archaic, poet.]
[du] bist
2 Wörter: Andere
[you] ain't [coll.] [aren't][du] bist nicht
ur [sl.] [you're]du bist
you'redu bist
thou art [archaic]du bist
u r [sl.] [you are]du bist
2 Wörter: Substantive
tech. built-in self-test <BIST>integrierter Selbsttest {m}
3 Wörter: Andere
Are you going bananas? [Br.] [idiom]Bist du Banane? [ugs.] [Redewendung]
Are you crazy?Bist du bekloppt? [ugs.]
Are you daft? [coll.]Bist du bekloppt? [ugs.]
Are you busy?Bist du beschäftigt?
Are you engaged? [busy]Bist du beschäftigt?
Are you crazy?Bist du bescheuert? [ugs.]
Are you daft? [coll.]Bist du bescheuert? [ugs.]
You carrying (heat)? [Am.] [coll.]Bist du bewaffnet?
Are you mobile?Bist du beweglich?
Are you here?Bist du da?
Are you in on it?Bist du dabei?
Want to come? [coll.]Bist du dabei? [ugs.]
Is that you?Bist du das?
Are too! [coll.]Bist du doch! [ugs.]
Are you in agreement?Bist du einverstanden?
It is you?Bist du es?
Are you through?Bist du fertig?
Are you free?Bist du frei?
Jeez! [coll.]Bist du gelähmt! [österr.] [ugs.]
Are you healthy? [singular, informal]Bist du gesund?
Are you hungry?Bist du hungrig?
Are you interested?Bist du interessiert?
Are you daft? [Br.] [coll.]Bist du irre? [ugs.]
Are you tired?Bist du müde?
med. Are you pregnant?Bist du schwanger?
Are you positive? [coll.]Bist du sicher?
(Are) You ready?Bist du soweit? [alt]
Are you deaf?Bist du taub?
Are you hurt?Bist du verletzt?
Are you crazy?Bist du verrückt?
Are you daft? [Br.] [coll.]Bist du verrückt?
Are you mad? [crazy]Bist du verrückt?
Are you insured?Bist du versichert?
Are you awake?Bist du wach?
Are you up?Bist du wach?
Are you nuts? [coll.]Bist du wahnsinnig? [ugs.]
Are you satisfied?Bist du zufrieden?
idiom Is it really you?Bist du's wirklich? [ugs.]
games idiom It's your move. [board game]Du bist dran.
It's your shot.Du bist dran.
It's your turn.Du bist dran.
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