Dictionary English German: bisher

Translation 1 - 39 of 39

SYNO   anhin [schweiz.] | bisher | ebenhin ... 
yet {adv} [up to now]
hitherto {adv} [literary]
heretofore {adv}
as yet {adv}bisher
so far {adv}bisher
thus far {adv}bisher
to date {adv}bisher
until now {adv}bisher
as of yet {adv}bisher
up to now {adv}bisher
up to this point {adv} [up to now]bisher [bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt]
2 Words: Others
previously undiscovered {adj}bisher unentdeckt
previously undisclosed {adj}bisher unveröffentlicht
as always {adv}wie bisher
as before {adv}wie bisher
as hithertowie bisher
3 Words: Others
in a break from tradition {adv}anders als bisher
not (as) yet {adv}bisher (noch) nicht
hitherto hardly known {adj}bisher kaum bekannt
unprecedented {adj}bisher nicht gekannt
not previously listedbisher nicht notiert
so far, so goodbisher nicht schlecht
Delivery as before.Lieferung wie bisher.
publ. RadioTV What happened so far.Was bisher geschah.
3 Words: Verbs
to proceed as previously doneverfahren wie bisher
4 Words: Verbs
to complete what was saiddas (bisher) Gesagte ergänzen
4 Words: Nouns
statement / survey of what has been accomplished so farBilanz {f} des bisher Geleisteten
the best result so fardas bisher beste Ergebnis {n}
the strangest thing yetdie bisher seltsamste Sache {f}
5+ Words: Others
Too little has yet been done.Bisher ist zu wenig getan worden.
This event is unprecedented.Dieses Ereignis ist bisher einmalig.
sth. costs more / less than beforeetw. kostet mehr / weniger als bisher
contrary to what has been statedin Widerspruch zum bisher Gesagten
5+ Words: Verbs
to have yet to do sth.etw. bisher noch nicht getan haben
to never view sth. in the same way againetw. niemals mehr so sehen wie bisher
to grind on (and on) [fig.]ewig so weitergehen (wie bisher)
5+ Words: Nouns
statement / survey of what has been accomplished so farBericht {m} über das bisher Geleistete
Fiction (Literature and Film)
mus. F Hitherto you have asked for nothing in my NameBisher habt ihr nichts gebeten in meinem Namen [J. S. Bach, BWV 87]
film F Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex* (*But Were Afraid to Ask) [Woody Allen]Was Sie schon immer über Sex wissen wollten, aber bisher nicht zu fragen wagten
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