Dictionary English German: biologisch

Translation 1 - 39 of 39

ADJ1  biologisch | [selten] biologischer | [selten] am biologischsten ... 
ADJ2  biologisch | - | - ... 
SYNO   biologisch | ökologisch
agr. FoodInd. hort. organic {adj}
biol. biological {adj}
biol. biologically {adv}
biol. biologic {adj} [less common for "biological"]biologisch
2 Words: Others
ecol. biodegradable {adj}biologisch abbaubar
biol. bio-degradable {adj}biologisch abbaubar
chem. biologically active {adj}biologisch aktiv
agr. FoodInd. hort. organic {adj}biologisch angebaut
agr. FoodInd. organically grown {adj}biologisch angebaut
biol. biologically based {adj} [also: biologically-based]biologisch basiert
ecol. bioeliminable {adj}biologisch eliminierbar
agr. FoodInd. organically produced {adj} {past-p}biologisch erzeugt
biodynamic {adj}biologisch-dynamisch
agr. esot. bio-dynamic {adj}biologisch-dynamisch
agr. esot. biologic-dynamic {adj}biologisch-dynamisch
FoodInd. market. certified organic {adj}kontrolliert biologisch
biol. med. medico-biological {adj}medizinisch-biologisch
3 Words: Others
ecol. readily biodegradable {adj}leicht biologisch abbaubar
ecol. nonbiodegradable {adj}nicht biologisch abbaubar
ecol. unbiodegradable {adj}nicht biologisch abbaubar
ecol. non-biodegradable {adj}nicht biologisch abbaubar
ecol. biodegrading {adj} {pres-p}sich biologisch abbauend
3 Words: Verbs
to biodegrade(sich) biologisch abbauen
to biodegradebiologisch abgebaut werden
3 Words: Nouns
ecol. biodegradable plasticsbiologisch abbaubare Kunststoffe {pl} <BAK>
biochem. biodegradable polymersbiologisch abbaubare Polymere {pl}
ecol. biodegradable substancebiologisch abbaubare Substanz {f}
biol. biodegradable wastebiologisch abbaubarer Abfall {m}
biol. biodegradable wastebiologisch abbaubarer Müll {m}
ecol. biodegradable pollutantbiologisch abbaubarer Schadstoff {m}
ecol. biodegradable materialbiologisch abbaubarer Werkstoff {m} <BAW>
biochem. biodegradable polymerbiologisch abbaubares Polymer {n}
biol. biohazardous materialsbiologisch gefährliche Materialien {pl}
med. biologically effective dosebiologisch wirksame Dosis {f}
biological technical assistantbiologisch-technischer Assistent {m} <BTA>
agr. veganic agriculturebiologisch-vegane Landwirtschaft {f}
agr. vegan organic agriculturebiologisch-vegane Landwirtschaft {f}
4 Words: Nouns
zool. biologically appropriate raw food <BARF>biologisch artgerechtes rohes Futter {n} <BARF>
zool. bones and raw food <BARF> [biologically appropriate raw food]biologisch artgerechtes rohes Futter {n} <BARF>
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