Dictionary English German: bester

Translation 1 - 60 of 60

ADJ  gut | besser | am besten
guter | gute | gutes
bester | beste | bestes
[Komparativ:] bess(e)rer/[alt] beßrer | bess(e)re/[alt] beßre | bess(e)res/[alt] beßres
[Superlativ:] bester | beste | bestes
NOUN   der Beste/ein Bester | die Besten/[ohne Artikel] Beste
SYNO   Bester | Champion | Erster ... 
pick of the bunchBester {m}
2 Words: Others
in very good spiritsbester Laune
my dear fellowmein Bester [Anrede]
2 Words: Nouns
film Best Animated Feature Film [award]bester Animationsfilm {m}
cloth. best clothes {pl}bester Anzug {m}
cloth. best suitbester Anzug {m}
film Best Documentary Feature [Academy Award]bester Dokumentarfilm {m}
film Best Picture [award]bester Film {m}
bestie [coll.]bester Freund {m}
besty [Internet slang] [Am.] [less frequent for: bestie]bester Freund {m}
best friendbester Freund {m}
best palbester Freund {m}
main man [Am.] [sl.]bester Freund {m}
film Best Actor in a Leading Role [award]bester Hauptdarsteller {m}
best mate [Br.] [coll.]bester Kumpel {m} [auch für weibliche Kumpel]
sports Best Young Playerbester Nachwuchsspieler {m}
film Best Supporting Actor [award]bester Nebendarsteller {m}
best placebester Ort {m}
best estimate of the valuebester Schätzwert {m}
film Best Sound Mixing [award]Bester Ton {m} [Auszeichnung]
film Best Sound Editing [award]bester Tonschnitt {m}
optimum efficiencybester Wirkungsgrad {m}
my dear chapmein Bester {m}
3 Words: Others
in the best of health {adv}bei bester Gesundheit
at its best {adv}in bester Form
at the top of one's form {adv}in bester Form
copacetic {adj} [Am.] [coll.]in bester Ordnung
copasetic {adj} [Am.] [coll.] [spv. for copacetic]in bester Ordnung
copesetic {adj} [Am.] [coll.] [spv. for copacetic]in bester Ordnung
tickety-boo {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [dated]in bester Ordnung
(in) Bristol fashion {adj} [Br.]in bester Ordnung
in perfect order {adv}in bester Ordnung
shipshape and Bristol fashion [Br.]in bester Ordnung
top-shelf {adj} [also: top shelf] [Am.] [of a high quality, excellent]von bester Qualität [nachgestellt]
of first-class quality {adj} [postpos.]von bester Qualität [nachgestellt]
3 Words: Verbs
to come out on topals Bester abschneiden
3 Words: Nouns
the best everBester {m} aller Zeiten
best of its kindBester {m} seiner Art
film Best Animated Short Film [award] [also: best animated short film]bester animierter Kurzfilm {m}
film Best Documentary - Short Subject [award]bester Dokumentar-Kurzfilm {m}
film Best Foreign Language Film [award]bester fremdsprachiger Film {m}
4 Words: Others
quote in true gossip's fashion [from the book "Wuthering Heights"]in / nach bester Klatschmanier
4 Words: Verbs
to be in ebullient spirits(bei) bester Laune sein
to be in robust health [of persons]bei bester Gesundheit sein
idiom to be as fit as a fiddlebei bester Gesundheit sein
to be in the best of healthbei bester Gesundheit sein
to be in a merry pin [Br.] [idiomatic phrase]bei bester Laune sein
to be in excellent formin bester Form sein
to be in best orderin bester Ordnung sein
to be in apple-pie order [dated] [idiom]in bester Ordnung sein [Redewendung]
to be in high spirits [idiom]in bester Stimmung sein
to be in prime conditionin bester Verfassung sein [Sportler, Tier]
4 Words: Nouns
idiom man's best friend [dog]bester Freund {m} des Menschen [Hund]
stat. best linear unbiased estimator <BLUE>bester linearer unverzerrter Schätzer {m}
gastr. best cut of the meatbester Teil {m} des Fleisches
gastr. best steakSteak {n} von bester Qualität
5+ Words: Others
Everything is in apple-pie order. [coll.] [dated] [idiom] [neat and clean]Alles ist in bester / schönster Ordnung. [aufgeräumt]
5+ Words: Nouns
best panorama of the areabester Blick {m} über das Land
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Cast a Giant Shadow [Melville Shavelson]Der Schatten des Giganten / Commander Stones - Ihr bester Mann / Wirf einen großen Schatten
lit. F Hasty Death [An Edwardian Murder Mystery, #2] [Marion Chesney]Eine Leiche in bester Gesellschaft
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