Dictionary English German: beste

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ADJ  gut | besser | am besten
guter | gute | gutes
bester | beste | bestes
[Komparativ:] bess(e)rer/[alt] beßrer | bess(e)re/[alt] beßre | bess(e)res/[alt] beßres
[Superlativ:] bester | beste | bestes
NOUN1   der Beste/ein Bester | die Besten/[ohne Artikel] Beste
NOUN2   das Beste/(ein) Bestes | -
NOUN3   die Beste | die Besten
best {adj}
prime {adj}
finest {adj}
vintage {adj} [best of its kind]
greatest {adj}
top {adj} [attr.] [first-class, best]
beste [attr.] [erstklassige] [z. B. beste Qualität, bester Wein, bestes Hotel]
pick of the bunchBeste {f}
2 Words: Nouns
stat. best fitbeste Anpassung {f}
bright prospectsbeste Aussichten {pl}
best conditionsbeste Bedingungen {pl}
most advanced scholarshipbeste Forschung {f} [in den Geisteswissenschaften]
bestie [female] [coll.]beste Freundin {f}
besty [female] [Internet slang] [Am.] [less frequent for: bestie]beste Freundin {f}
best friend [female]beste Freundin {f}
best opportunitybeste Gelegenheit {f}
main chancebeste Gelegenheit {f}
idiom pink of healthbeste Gesundheit {f}
best regardsbeste Grüße {pl}
film Best Actress in a Leading Role [award]beste Hauptdarstellerin {f}
film Best Cinematography [award]beste Kamera {f}
best locationbeste Lage {f}
best practicebeste Methode {f}
film Best Supporting Actress [award]beste Nebendarstellerin {f}
best practicebeste Praxis {f}
best qualitybeste Qualität {f}
finest qualitybeste Qualität {f}
first qualitybeste Qualität {f}
highest qualitybeste Qualität {f}
prime qualitybeste Qualität {f}
the top drawer [Br.] [Irish] [top quality]beste Qualität {f}
film Best Director [award]beste Regie {f}
top favorite recipes [Am.]beste Rezepte {pl}
top favourite recipes [Br.]beste Rezepte {pl}
math. stat. best estimators [e.g. criteria for best estimators]beste Schätzer {pl} [z. B. Kriterien für beste Schätzer]
RadioTV prime timebeste Sendezeit {f}
best gradebeste Sorte {f}
best practicebeste Vorgehensweise {f}
best wishesbeste Wünsche {pl}
the pick of sth. [of things]das Beste {n}
3 Words: Others
My regards to ...Beste Grüße an ...
The best bet is to ...Das Beste ist, ...
3 Words: Verbs
to offer best pricesbeste Preise bieten
to think bestdas Beste denken
to hope for the bestdas Beste erhoffen
to hope for the bestdas Beste hoffen
3 Words: Nouns
comp. best known configuration <BKC>beste bekannte Konfiguration {f}
the best of mender beste Mensch {m}
the best course of actiondie beste Lösung {f}
my best friend [female]meine beste Freundin {f}
my best girlfriendmeine beste Freundin {f}
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