Dictionary English German: ben

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ADJ   ben | benner | benmost
NOUN   a ben | bens
ben {adv} {prep} [Scot.] [within] [e. g. ben the hoose]drinnen [z. B. im Haus]
ben [Scot.] [room]
Kammer {f} [Wohn-Schlafraum]
ben [Scot.]hoher Berg {m}
geogr. Benbulben [spv.]Ben Bulben {m}
geogr. BenbulbinBen Bulben {m}
2 Words: Nouns
geogr. Ben Bulben [spv.]Ben Bulben {m}
geogr. Ben Nevis [Scottish Gaelic: Beinn Nibheis]Ben Nevis {m}
ben oilBehenöl {n}
ben oilBenöl {n}
ben oilMoringaöl {n}
ling. benefactive case <BEN>Benefaktiv {m}
Big Ben [Br.]Big Ben {f} [Glocke]
Big Ben [Br.] [coll.]Big Ben {m} [Glockenturm]
3 Words: Nouns
archi. travel (the) Clock Tower [coll. or dated for: Elizabeth Tower]Big Ben {m} [Elizabeth Tower seit 2012 (Glockenturm)]
Ben Wa ballsDonnerkugeln {pl} [ugs.]
Ben Wa ballsLiebeskugeln {pl}
Ben Wa ballsLustkugeln {pl}
Ben Wa ballsBen-wa-Kugeln {pl}
4 Words: Others
after Big Ben strikes {adv}nach den Glocken von Big Ben
5+ Words: Others
after the chimes from Big Ben {adv}nach den Glocken von Big Ben
Fiction (Literature and Film)
RadioTV F Ben 10Ben 10
lit. F Ben Loves AnnaBen liebt Anna [Peter Härtling]
RadioTV F Gentle BenMein Freund Ben
film lit. F Ben-Hur [novel: Lew Wallace; film: William Wyler]Ben Hur
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
fish T
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