Dictionary English German: bellows

Translation 1 - 56 of 56

English German
NOUN1   [a pair of] bellows | [pairs of] bellows [not all types of bellows can be called "a pair of bellows"]
NOUN2   a bellow | bellows
VERB  to bellow | bellowed | bellowed
bellowing | bellows
sb./sth. bellows
jd./etw. brüllt
bellows {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]
Blasebalg {m}
photo. bellows
Balgen {m} [Kamera]
photo. tech. bellows {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]
Balg {m} [Blasebalg, Faltenbalg]
tech. bellows {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]
Faltenbalg {m}
Gebläse {n}
photo. bellows {pl}
Balgen {pl} [Kamera]
photo. bellows
Balgengerät {n} [Kamera]
Federbalg {m}
bellows {pl}
Bälge {pl}
bellowsDehngefäß {n}
bellowsFederkörper {m}
bellows {pl}Blasebälge {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
air bellowsLuftbalg {m}
air bellowsLuftfederbalg {m}
air bellowsLuftfederrollbalg {m}
air bellowsLuftfeder-Rollbalg {m}
photo. bellows cameraBalgenkamera {f}
tech. bellows cylinderBalgzylinder {m}
mus. bellows normal <B.N.>[Ende des Balgtremolos]
cloth. bellows pocketBlasebalgtasche {f}
bellows pumpBalgpumpe {f}
bellows pumpFaltenbalgpumpe {f}
mus. bellows release [accordion]Balgventil {n} [Akkordeon]
tech. bellows sensorBalgfühler {m}
mus. bellows treaderBlasebalgtreter {m}
mus. bellows treaderKalkant {m} [Orgel]
tech. bellows valveFaltenbalgventil {n}
mus. bellows-treaderBalgentreter {m} [Orgel]
mus. bellows-treaderBalgtreter {m} [Orgel]
jobs mus. bellows-treaderOrgeltreter {m}
MedTech. coupling bellows {pl} [also treated as sg.] [shock wave therapy]Koppelbalg {m} [Stoßwellentherapie]
meteo. differential bellows {pl} [also treated as sg.]Differenzdruckdose {f}
meteo. tech. evacuated bellows {pl} [also treated as sg.]Unterdruckdose {f}
expansion bellows {pl} [also treated as sg.]Dehnungsbalg {m}
photo. extension bellowsBalgengerät {n} [für Nahaufnahmen]
tech. forge-bellowsSchmiedebalg {m}
rail gangway bellowsFaltenbalgübergang {m}
mus. main bellows [treated as sg. or pl.]Hauptbalg {m}
tech. metal bellowsMetallbalg {m}
tech. metal bellows [treated as sg. or pl.]Federungskörper {m} [Flanschverbindungselement]
mus. regulator bellows {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]Regulierbalg {m} [Orgel]
mus. spec. reservoir bellows {sg} {pl} [organ]Magazinbalg {m} [Orgel]
tech. rubber bellows [treated as sg. or pl.]Gummibalg {m}
sealing bellowsDichtungsbalg {m}
automot. tech. shaft bellows {pl}Wellenbalg {m}
steel bellowsStahlbalg {m}
3 Words: Verbs
to blow the bellowsden Blasebalg treten
3 Words: Nouns
dent. (dental) foot bellowsFußgebläse {n}
bellows pressure gaugeBalgmanometer {n}
mus. bellows-driven instrumentBalginstrument {n}
photo. extension bellows attachmentBalgengerät {n} [für Nahaufnahmen]
pair of bellowsBlasebalg {m}
pair of bellowsFaltenbalg {m}
stainless steel bellowsEdelstahlbalg {m}
5+ Words: Nouns
photo. lens hood (with bellows extension)Kompendium {n}
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