Dictionary English German: behavioural

Translation 1 - 50 of 153  >>

English German
ADJ   behavioural | - | -
SYNO   behavioral | behavioural
behavioural {adj} [Br.]
psych. behavioural {adj} [Br.]
behavioural {adj} [Br.]
2 Words: Others
biochem. behavioural genetic {adj} [Br.]verhaltensgenetisch
behavioural scientific {adj} [Br.]verhaltenswissenschaftlich
ecol. behavioural-ecological {adj} [Br.]verhaltensökologisch
2 Words: Nouns
behavioural aberration [Br.]Verhaltensverirrung {f}
biol. psych. behavioural adaptation [Br.]Verhaltensadaptation {f}
biol. psych. behavioural adaptation [Br.]Verhaltensanpassung {f}
psych. behavioural addiction [Br.]Verhaltenssucht {f}
biol. psych. behavioural alternative [Br.]Verhaltensalternative {f}
biol. psych. behavioural analysis [Br.]Verhaltensanalyse {f}
behavioural analytics [Br.] [treated as sg. or pl.]Verhaltensanalytik {f}
biol. psych. behavioural approach [Br.]Verhaltensansatz {m}
psych. behavioural aspect [Br.]Verhaltensaspekt {m}
psych. behavioural assessment [Br.]Verhaltensbewertung {f}
biol. jobs psych. behavioural biologist [Br.]Verhaltensbiologe {m}
biol. jobs psych. behavioural biologist [female] [Br.]Verhaltensbiologin {f}
acad. biol. behavioural biology [Br.]Verhaltensbiologie {f}
psych. behavioural change [Br.]Verhaltensänderung {f}
psych. behavioural change [Br.]Verhaltensveränderung {f}
biol. psych. behavioural change [Br.]Verhaltenswandel {m}
behavioural characteristics [Br.]Verhaltenseigenschaften {pl}
behavioural characteristics [Br.]Verhaltensmerkmale {pl}
sociol. behavioural code [Br.]Verhaltenscode {m}
sociol. behavioural code [Br.]Verhaltenskodex {m}
biol. psych. behavioural comparison [Br.]Verhaltensvergleich {m}
biol. psych. behavioural component [Br.]Verhaltenskomponente {f}
biol. psych. behavioural conditioning [Br.]Verhaltenskonditionierung {f}
biol. psych. sociol. behavioural consequences [Br.]Verhaltensfolgen {pl}
biol. psych. sociol. behavioural consequences [Br.]Verhaltenskonsequenzen {pl}
biol. zool. behavioural consistency [Br.]Verhaltenskonsistenz {f}
educ. psych. behavioural contract [Br.]Verhaltensvertrag {m}
behavioural data [Br.]Verhaltensdaten {pl}
behavioural deficit [Br.]Verhaltensdefizit {n}
biol. psych. behavioural description [Br.]Verhaltensbeschreibung {f}
biol. psych. behavioural determinant [Br.]Verhaltensdeterminante {f}
biol. psych. behavioural differences [Br.]Verhaltensunterschiede {pl}
psych. behavioural difficulties [Br.]Verhaltensschwierigkeiten {pl}
psych. behavioural dimension [Br.]Verhaltensdimension {f}
psych. behavioural disorder [Br.]Verhaltensstörung {f}
psych. behavioural disposition [Br.]Verhaltensdisposition {f}
biol. psych. behavioural disturbance [Br.]Verhaltensstörung {f}
psych. behavioural dynamics [Br.] [treated as sg.]Verhaltensdynamik {f}
ecol. jobs behavioural ecologist [Br.]Verhaltensökologe {m}
ecol. jobs behavioural ecologist [Br.] [female]Verhaltensökologin {f}
acad. ecol. zool. behavioural ecology [Br.]Verhaltensökologie {f}
econ. psych. behavioural economics [Br.]Verhaltensökonomie {f}
biol. psych. behavioural effect [Br.]Verhaltenseffekt {m}
acad. biol. psych. behavioural embryology [Br.]Verhaltensembryologie {f}
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